Chapter 4

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Bonnie dragged Clemont off as the group as they left after Serena's match finished.

"And where do you think you're running off?" Ash asked as he saw the two siblings trailing behind the group.

"Errrr." An unexpected Clemont couldn't find his words as the group looked at him and his little sister.

"We need to go see our Dad a minute, he has something to tell us. We'll. We'll catch up with you guys later for our meal. See ya!" Bonnie shouted nervously while laughing as she dragged her brother along behind her. "At least they're off our backs for now. Hurry up! She might have already left!" She creamed as she ran ahead, with Clemont trailing behind.

Meanwhile, Serena was just walking out of her locker room for the competitors when she was knocked over by a male around her age, maybe slightly older, who seemed in a haste. He had a red cap, a red and black hoodie, along with some chinos and black basketball shoes. He looked a splitting image of Ash, apart from a some wilder darker black hair, the colour of freshly drilled crude oil, and a slighter lighter shade of skin, but he had the same caramel coloured irises.

"Hey, give me your hand." He said with a smile, but his surprising positive was his voice. A little deeper then Ash, and with a bit more of an accent too. She could tell he was from Kanto, maybe even Pallet Town if she wasn't surprised. He helped her up, and with a smile, he brushed off her skirt. "Hey, by the way, great battle." He told her.

"Thank you, .?" She replied quietly.

"Red. Yeah, my name's Red. Pleased to meet you Selene." Red kissed the back of her hand gently, causing her to giggle. "I'll see you around. I have someone I need to go see, that's why I knocked into you. Hopefully we will meet again soon."

"Yeah. See you then." Serena replied as she walked off in the other direction. She kept going for a bit before she ran into Bonnie and Clemont. "Hey there!"

"OMFG, you are so amazing!" Bonnie told.

"Why thanks." She replied.

"Yeah. May we go talk somewhere, please? We have a couple of questions we want to ask you, if you don't mind, Serena?" Clemont asked.

This shocked Serena. How did they know that she was actually her, when they haven't seen her for 6 years?

"I don't know who you're on about. I think you've mistaken me for a friend." She lied with a small chuckle, one that was common for someone to use when they're lying to someone, and she tried to walk off, before Bonnie stood in front of her.

"No we are not. We are not mistaken. I have missed you, and so have loads of others, so don't go lying to us Serena. Please don't!" Bonnie launched herself into her surrogate older sister and started to tear up.

Serena's heart broke at this. She was mad with herself. She should have been the one to keep in contact with everyone, not relying on them to keep in contact. She hugged her back and started to cry. Her tears were from both happiness and sadness. The pain of losing six years worth of time, and having to catch up, while it might fun, it would hurt her for the reason she needed them at that time.

They pulled apart, and she turned to Clemont. He was a bit taller then her, but he still had the glasses and the geeky look of old, although his attire was a lot different. They shared a friendly hug along with the common kiss on each cheek.

"Still inventing then are we?" She asked the scientist as they walked to the hotel.

"Yes, in fact I was the one who created the registration system for Dianthia. And Clemont has a better AI, which makes my gym one of the hardest to conquer in Kalos." Clemont stated proudly while pounding his chest.

"And your showcases Bonnie?" Serena stated while walking backwards with her hands behind her back and leaning forward eagerly.

"Well the first year I got to the first round of the Masterclass. And then the quarters and then the third year, I was 3rd place. That's when I changed to battling. And then it was Last 16, Quarters and the last 16 once more. But as Ash said when we were younger," Bonnie chimed.

"Never Give Up 'Til It's Over!!!" All three of the friends launched their fists into the air and laughed like common old times as they continued their trudge onwards.

"Guys, please keep my identity a secret for now, please? I will reveal myself later, but you are the only two yet who know. Please?" Serena put up her pinky for a pinky swear, to which she got two firm fingers around her own.

"We promise." The siblings told her as they reminisced over old times and continued their walk back.

Meanwhile with the main group, they had just gathered in Gary's room for a grill buffet, and Ash decided to look over Lumiose City skyline at night, one of his favourite past times from his travels in the region. He was thinking about one special girl on his mind. One he wished he kept in touch with. There were many a time that he needed her and he knew when he came to this tournament, his number one goal apart from winning was to find her. He missed her hair, the succulent honey colour that he dreamed about many nights, her laugh and voice, one that he compared to the best ice cream. And then her eyes and personality. He loved them both. He would die to see those eyes love on forever, and her kindness and loyalty, along with dedication was all what he wanted from her. Overall, he knew the feeling was love. He never said it to her face, but he always preferred her long hair. The hair he wanted to have cuddled up to him at night in bed, while watching the stars out of the skylight above them. Fashion was her other selling point. He loved it when she was in her Fennekin costume during her Pokévision video she did in Camphier Town in their travels. That stare did have some dirty thoughts behind it, but it was mostly in admiration and lust. Overall, he was ready to see her again.

As he was standing there, a heavy blush and massive smile had appeared on the face of the tanned hunk. His attention soon however was snapped to Brock, who walked out to stand with him, ice cold Coronas in each hand, and he gave one to his oldest friend.

"What you blushing about youngling?" He asked while taking a sip of his beer.

"Nothing Brock my friend. Just have the urge to see an old friend." He replied, clinking his beer with Brock's own.

"Who is this old friend?"

"Someone I wish I never had to leave. This one photo sums it up for me. I want to have her close to me at all times and never let her go." He explained as he showed Brock the photo from when they went to get the Lucarionite with Korrina back in the day.

"Well you might not need to look too far Ash." Dawn commented as she snatched the photo from Brock.

"And why is that Ms Diamond?"

"Just look around you over the next few days, and you'll see why." She smirked as she passed the picture back, and went off to get another glass of wine.

Ash was confused but he knew something was up. He had a hypothesis come into his head, and after his battle the next day, he would start his research.

The hypothesis that would possibly help him find his girl...

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