Chapter 2

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The group led by the raven-haired male walked into the hotel reception and went to book in. To his left was a shorter lemon haired female, who was just under 3 years younger, and her hair was now in a fishtail plait, going down the length of her back. She had changed out of the usual leggings and too into a flannel shirt and mini skirt, along with a backpack instead of the fanny pack from when she was younger. Behind her was her brother, a couple years older than her, still with his bag of wonders of science, although he had lost his jumpsuit in search of shirts and jeans, and he still had his glasses.

"Welcome to the Tournament of Bonds. My name is Gemma, how may I help you today?" A beautiful blonde, who looked like she was in her early 20s asked the group with a smile.

"You may help me with finally finding my true love with your amazing beauty." The eldest of the platoon commented as he got down on one knee. He still had the voice and tone of his youth, but yet he still had that desire for his true love. "Please take my hand-Ahhh." His face screwed up and deepened in colour as he was dragged off by his Toxicroak, which was laughing in its language.

"Sam old Brock I suppose." Dawn laughed as the group joined in with her. The blunette had swapped her old dress and boot outfit for one with jeans and a crop top, fit enough for the tournament and to catch the eye of males who were participating.

"Anyway, sorry about our friend. He is weird when it comes to girls." The raven head laughed. "The booking should be under the name Ketchum. Both Ash and Leaf I think?" He leaned against the desk as Gemma typed furiously on the computer as Leaf appeared next to her brother. The twins tapped their fingers in time on the table as the girl in front of them grew a small smile on her face.

"Yes, here we go. I have your key cards here. All you have to do is swipe down in the slot and you'll be in. We hope you do well in the tournament and enjoy your stay here at the Lotus of Dreams. Have a nice day." She smiled as the group gave their thanks and walked off to find their rooms.

"So after this, we will meet down here in an hour to go out for dinner. So who wants to go with who then?" Ash asked as they stood around.

"Me and Max will bunk up!" The lemon haired female shouted as she grabbed the first key card she could get her hand on and ran off, dragging a boy around her age with hair the colour of Ash's and glasses like the female's brother, and tearing down the hall to find the layout map and lift.

"Wait, Bonnie, you don't even know... where you're going.." Her brother cried out but failed in succession, tailing off in disappointment.

"Well, if the younger siblings want to bunk together, why don't we Clemont?" The brunette who came out from behind asked with a small gentle smile.

"Are you sure May? I mean, there's no wrong with it, I'm completely fine, but wouldn't you want to stay with Dawn or Misty instead?" Clemont asked thoughtfully, as he got a firm nod from the older Maple who still had the smile on her face.

"You're pulling brother." A whisper in the ear causes a blush to form on the scientist/Gym leader/inventor's face as he stood firm and paralysed in shock, as a sly young professor appeared out of nowhere and smirked.

"That's not funny Oakington. You scared the shit out of him." Dawn pouted.

"And do I give a fuck? Nope, exactly. So shut yo mouth. You know, it might be fun to wind you up over this tournament Navy. Ashy Boi, give me one of those and let's get moving Ms Sinnoh bird." Gary laughed as he walked off while Dawn chased him down, a face full of anger and red, looking like she was going to kill him in his sleep that night. A couple of nervous laughs went around the group as May and Clemont collected their key and walked off in a different direction, already knowing where their room was due to the group walking past it a few moments before.

"So that leaves me, my twin brother, Mist and Brock." Leaf counted off on her hands as she had one of the last two keys cards shoved into her hand.

"Yep, two girls, two boys. Happy days." Ash smiled as he walked off. "I'm going to find Brock and Toxicroak. I don't think they went too far, I hope." He said with a confused face as he jogged off in a different direction.

Later on, the group rendezvoused in the lobby and were about to walk out when Dawn spotted someone familiar at the desk. The blonde was about to walk off towards the directions of the rooms when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Dawn, and gave her a hug.

"Hey, can I introduce you to Ash and the others?" Dawn whispered into her ear. "I'll called you Selene so they don't get that it is you, ok?"

"Yeah, but won't they recognised my voice?" The blonde asked worryingly.

"Sere, do you think honestly after over 6 years, that they will remember your voice? Or even your hair?" Dawn asked, to which she got a shake of the head. "Exactly, so just be free girl, come on."

"So everyone, this is Selene. I met her in Sinnoh when she was doing contests. Then we decided to do gym battling, and that is the reason why we are both here to compete because we both got to the Sinnoh and Kalos League." Dawn explained and smiled, while Serena have a small wave and smile.

"Why hello there. Say are you single?" Brock got down on one knee again and spoke with his husky tone before he was dragged off by Max and Misty by the ear, while Serena stood there staring blankly, and everyone else had an awkward tone and laugh.

"Well, would you like to join us for dinner, Selene? I mean, there's always room for one more." Ash asked.

"No thanks, I'm fine thanks. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow, I want to find my match in the first round, and then I want to go to bed, I've been training all day, so yeah, I can order something from room service or take out, thanks for the offer anyway. I'll speak to you later Dawn, I need to go." Serena smiled, and gave Dawn one last hug, before walking off, although she had the eyes of a certain male or two, namely a Ketchum and an Oak.

'This is it.' She thought with a smile. 'I'm on my way back, guys.'

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