Chapter 19

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"Terrak!" The Rock-type of the Swords of Justice appeared in front of his trainer and former accomplice in Ash from the crisis with Kyreum and Keldeo during his travels in Unova before the Kalos venture.

'Miss Serena,' he spoke through telepathy.

'Terrakion, pleased to be fighting with you today,' she spoke back through the telepathy. 'Time to make a comeback.'

"Use Aqua Tail again, Feraligatr!" The croc's tail again became enveloped with water as he ran towards Terrakion, who started scuffing his feet against the cobbles.

'Use Stone Edge to block him,' Serena called as Terrakion slammed the ground with his front feet, jagged sharp stones coming out of the ground, and stopping Feraligatr in his tracks. The croc was launched into the air by the last stone which appeared under him. 'Now into Sacred Sword!'

Terrakion's horns elongated into a sword as he ran down on Feraligatr, who could only watch as he was bared down on, before being launched backwards. The croc could still stand, but was weak and would only take one more hit at most.

"Chip away Feraligatr, use Dragon Claw!" Ash commanded, as yet again, Feraligatr's claws turned the cyan colour of draconic energy and ran towards Terrakion once more.

'Dodge and use Poison Jab!' Serena called through telepathy. Feraligatr, now getting annoyed and tired, swiped multiple times at Terrakion, who acoided each and every one, before as Feraligatr faltered slightly, getting his chance and used Poison Jab.

The sickly purple horn caught Feraligatr in the middle of his yellow stomach, and forced him to the floor, as he passed out.

"Feraligatr is unable to battle. Terrakion wins, both competitors have four Pokémon at their disposal left." The referee called out, Ash in a solemn mood as he returned his Feraligatr.

'Nice, Terrakion.' Serena said, laughing as Ash looked up with a look of a massive smile mixed with a smirk.

"Telepathy may have got the best of me this time, but it won't now!" Ash shouted, getting fired up.

"Who do you think Ash will use now?" Bonnie asked Clemont, everyone else listening intently.

"I think maybe a Grass or Ground type. It makes the most sense." Clemont stated.

"I think he'll use Sceptile!" Max called out, Brock nodding his head in agreement. "He's Ash's strongest Grass-type."

"Or even maybe Garchomp again!" Misty called, everyone agreeing with her. He had a massive choice to chose from, but Ash had already made his mind up.

"Hawlucha, go!" The Wrestling Fighting-Flying type soared to the ground from his midair release, landing with the grace and expression of a fighter ready to go to war. He showed off with a couple of flexes, before turning to the opposition.

"Lucha!" He saw Serena and waved, to which said girl waved back and giggled, glad that the lucha libre like Pokémon remembered her well.

"Now Hawlucha," Ash called out, bringing his Pokemon's attention to him. "Serena is using telepathy with Terrakion, so we won't what moves they're using at that time, ok? We battle to the best of our abilities regardless, got that?" With a firm nod, Hawlucha turned back around, almost inviting Terrakion to the first move.

'He's giving us the advantage. Use Stone Edge!" The summoned stones channelled towards the hawk fast, who flew up and avoided them.

"Use Flying Press!" Hawlucha jumped and soared into the air, flying towards his target, before doing his signature spin and land onto Terrakion's back, who hardly felt the attack, resisting Flying-type moves. However, Hawlucha didn't get off.

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