Through an intricately designed door laid two people on a large bed. One man and a woman who were deeply immersed in slumber. 

The man looked handsome in his late 30's with slight greying at his scalp. His dark brown hair looked greasy though within the darkened room. Snores escaped his too thin lips and the woman with her blonde hair lay draped over him. She was beautiful and that made the memories in my head all the more painful. 

At one point he'd thought they were going to save him from his first Hell but they'd only brought him to an even more disgusting place. This woman and man had used me for their anger as well as lust. A tiny child should never be used in such a way. Now, I didn't like anyone touching me.. except Lily. She was gentle and nice. Most importantly I didn't feel like throwing up when she touched me. 

"Nightmare, appear."

"Yes, my human."

In a flash, Nightmare had appeared in my right hand. He'd shortened himself in order for me to easily maneuver him, especially in close proximity. 

"Allow me to taste their flesh."

If I were to just kill them I don't think it would help the fear still racing through me. When my blade sinks into one of them though, the other is sure to wake up and attack. Thinking it over I used my newly strengthened Shadow and Dark Magic to slither onto the bed and cling to the sleeping bodies. With a bit of my Dark magic I was able to surround their magic and block it from being accessible by the two. 

Nightmare had many techniques and one of them was being able to peel things. With that thought I moved towards the man who'd hurt me the most first and slapped him awake. His eyes shot open with anger but when he saw me his eyes filled with a leer before he licked his lips. I gagged a bit in remembrance. 

"So you've returned, my pet. Did you miss me?"

"Shut up! I'm going to slowly torture you before killing you. Disgusting pieces of shit shouldn't be allowed to live."

Before he could continue talking I exerted force on the magic to seal his mouth closed. That's when he realized he couldn't move and had begun to struggle. When he realized the magic was closed to him, fear had begun to show on his face. 

I chuckled. "How does it feel to be powerless? And you as well whore. I know you're awake even if you keep your eyes closed."

The woman opened her eyes to glare at me from her position on the man's chest. In return I gave her a smirk. My fear had long dissipated with the knowledge that my magic was strong enough to hold them. Although the both of them were 6 Stars, since I'd sealed them from their magic before they could use it I'd gained the upper hand.

Nightmare hummed in anticipation in my hand. 

"Would you both like to know something?" When they merely stared at me without a response I gave a sigh. 

"Well, I'll tell you anyways. Tonight shall be your last night here. That goes for all the others who've visited me over the years. When I'm finished, there won't even be enough of you all to feed the Magical Beasts."

Fear became a tangible thing and I couldn't help inhaling the intoxicating elixir. 

"Nightmare, let's begin."

"My pleasure."

No One's POV:

Screams rent the air inside the room but the boy had used magic to block the sound from exiting. Damon stood within the shadows watching as Nathaniel slowly carved his way through the flesh of first the man and then the woman. He'd cut off the woman's breasts and the man's lower member before shoving it down the man's throat. When he was completely finished both were just masses of flesh. 

Nathaniel had even gone so far as to remove the organs of both before carefully wrapping them inside of a cloth. 

When Damon had asked what he was doing he'd simply responded 'In case I'm hungry.' which made Damon chuckle with honest humor. He was already pleased with the fact that Nathaniel hadn't thrown up at all at the violence he'd inflicted. 

The night air was coated in the smell of blood and slaughter. It smelled worse than a slaughter house for animals. 

When Nathaniel killed the last person, he'd made his way back to where he'd previously seen the boy who'd saved him. 

Kneeling down to be at the kid's level he asked, "Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure. I don't have anywhere else to go."

The boys face and voice held no emotion as if the people around them weren't butchered into mincemeat. He truly hadn't cared about their deaths and was clearly not afraid of the murderer who'd done it. 

Damon found the child almost as intriguing as Nathaniel. 

"Bring him with us."

Damon grabbed the child and handed the bracelet to teleport back home to Nathaniel. 

"This will bring you back."

With that he used his magic to surround the other child and quickly left. Nathaniel followed closely behind after looking around at everything. His fear of being brought back there left him with the knowledge that it was destroyed. He couldn't help the smile that graced his face before going 'home'.

A/N: I honestly don't feel like having to put up warnings every time something like this happens. Mostly because I've already changed the book to 'Mature' and as such there's bound to be many scenes like this. Which means that if you skip them you're going to miss a lot of the story. 

I'm the Mother of the Heroine? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now