Kagami x Aomine Diary: Amnesia (continued)

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"What do you mean 'who are you?'" He said. "Who are you?" I asked. "Your boyfriend?" He said. He looked at me softly and pulled me into a hug.

"What did Yuri do to you..?" He whispered. "Who is Yuri?" I asked. He looked at me shocked. "Do you know who you are?" He said. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I know?" I said. "What's your name?" He asked. What is my name? I sat there thinking for around 2 minutes until I heard a car alarm.

"You don't know do you?" He said. "No.. what is my name? And also what is yours?" I asked quietly. "You are Taiga Kagami. Never forget that. I am Daiki Aomine," he said slowly.

"Wait I think I know those na- Ow," I said before falling unconscious.



I started to hear voices.


"QUICK INSERT THE ANTIBIOTICS!" Another voice said. It was probably the doctor.

I was struck with a needle. In my mind I was screaming in pain, but in reality I didn't release a sound. They then began speaking again. "Okay, you can let his visitor know he's okay," a voice said. The voices got quieter as they left the room. All that was heard was the sound of the small click of a door.

Why aren't my eyes opening? Do they want to stay closed or are they saving from something that may deceive me? Moments later, the door opened. 4 voices were talking all at once.

"Mr. Aomine, I feel as if Mr. Kagami has gone through this before. Has he experienced any of this before? Or anything he could of done out of site?" The doctor asked. "I'm not sure," he said. "Oh" is the only response I heard after that. I fell back into a deep slumber after that.







I feel bad now. I didn't update like I was suppose to. Just trying to make sure I keep up with school and sleep. Thanks for bearing with me though, going to do my best to update.

Anyway how are you guys? -Morogachi

Kagami x Aomine Diary **(AoKaga Diary)**Where stories live. Discover now