Kagami x Aomine Diary: Why Did I Do That?

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I was walking home when I saw Aomine. For some reason I was really happy to see him, but that's when I noticed he was with someone. My heart ached. I don't know why but it just ached, so I followed him to see what was going on. I watched him talk to his lady friend and thought," She's gotta be his girlfriend... wait why am I worrying about this?" That's when I realized I was gay. I wasn't paying attention when she leaned in to kiss him. Without realizing, I ran up to him yelling, "AOMINEEE!" They stood there surprised especially Aomine. "What's wrong with you? Don't yell, you'll embarrass me," He said. "Sorry...," I said. "Oh nevermind, I see. We're in the same boat."

Kagami x Aomine Diary **(AoKaga Diary)**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang