Kagami x Aomine Diary: Have you gone mad!?!

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2 hours later, I woke up from my slumber and went to make breakfast. I went downstairs to find Yuri sitting on my couch. He just sat there staring, then he turned to me and said, "I'm over Aomine. He won't even notice me, so I gave up. And to show my apologies for everything, I got you a gift, but it's at my house. Come with me, I don't want him to see it. It's pretty grand if you ask me." I hesitated. "Ok," I said. We left the house without saying a word to Aomine. We made it to Yuri's house, and went inside. For some reason I felt suspicious and a bit uncomfortable. "Come help me carry it from the basement, it is a bit heavy," Yuri said. "Um why is it in the basement out of all places to put it?" I asked. "Well I wouldn't want it to put a hole through my floor," Yuri exclaimed. "I see," I said. "After you," he said after opening the door for me. "Thanks...," I said. As soon as I walked in, the door shut and clicked. Yuri locked me in. I looked for a light switch. When I came across it, I turned on the light. I saw notes everywhere reading 'I hate him!', 'How dare he!?!', 'Kagami needs die!', and etc. I was so frightened I screeched for Aomine over and over. I stopped for a split second to hear a car.engine running. Yuri was leaving. "YURI!?!" I screamed over and over until you could no longer here the car. I sank to floor. 'Why didn't I listen to my suspicions...' I thought. I began to cry and started thinking 'Aomine won't come...Aomine won't come....'. I stopped crying and realized that I can try to break out myself. Meanwhile Yuri was at Kagami's house. Yuri knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. No one answered. He did it again, and still no answer. He did it a final time and Aomine finally answered. "Yuri! Have you seen Kagami!?!" Aomine said with a pained face. "No. I came over to try and take him shopping with me," Yuri said. "Can you try calling him with me?!? I can't seem to get through," Aomine said adding, "...what if he got kidnapped?!" Yuri shook his head in disbelief. "If I find who took him, I'm gonna murder him!" Aomine said angrily. Yuri gulped. "Yuri, will you help find him?" Aomine asked. "Sure thing," Yuri said with fake smile. Aomine and Yuri went house to house to find Kagami, but came up with nothing. "Yuri come back here tomorrow," Aomine said. "Ok," Yuri answered back. Yuri went home feeling nervous. "Oh but he'll never find Kagami, he trusts me so he won't even come here... I hope," Yuri said as he sighed. I was fast asleep when he returned. "Maybe this is a mistake... I shouldn't have taken him... Aomine truly loves him," Yuri whispered. Yuri headed off to bed and set off to Aomine who was still looking for Kagami. "Aomine... have you not rested..?" Yuri asked. "I won't sleep until I find him," Aomine exclaimed. Yuri stared at him. "Wait.. Yuri! Kagami could of went to your house! Take me there!" Aomine said. "Aomine. Kagami doesn't know where I live," Yuri said to try and cover up the fact he was there. "Oh. Well can we please still go?" Aomine pleaded. "Ah...sure," Yuri said uncertain. Aomine and Yuri left and went to Yuri's house by then I was wide awake. I heard the car pull up. 'Maybe I can try to reason with Yuri when he gets back' I thought. "Come on Yuri," Aomine said. "Here go in," Yuri said. Aomine searched and searched, but Kagami was no where to be found. "May I use your bathroom before we leave?" Aomine asked. "Down the hall and take a left. It should be down there," Yuri said back. "Thanks," Aomine said. I heard footsteps. "YURI! IS THAT YOU!?! PLEASE COME TALK TO ME!," I screamed. The footsteps came closer then they couldn't be heard anymore. "YURI!?!" I screeched. Finally someone had come. "Kagami...is that you..?" Aomine said. "Yes! Aomine please get me out of here!" I said. I was on the verge of tears after hearing his voice. "It's locked... watch out Kagami, I'm gonna knock the door down," Aomine exclaimed. He knocked down the door and as soon as we saw each other we ran up and hugged. "I missed you, Kagami," Aomine said. "I missed you too!" I said crying into his chest. "What happened?" Aomine asked. "Yuri trapped me down here to get closer to you," I said. "Oh he did, eh?" Aomine took me by the hand and we went to find Yuri watching tv. Aomine told me to wait and he would handle Yuri outside. "Yuri come with me," Aomine said. "Ok Aomine," Yuri said not knowing what was going on. "Can you dig a hole for me?" Aomine asked. "A hole.... why...?" Yuri asked nervously. "I'm gonna burry Kagami's stuff here, since I can't find him," Aomine said. "Ok," Yuri said. After 3 hours of digging the hole, Yuri was finished. "I'm sorry for your loss," Yuri said as if satisfied. "I'm sorry about yours also," Aomine said before kicking him down the hole. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD!?!" Yuri screeched. Aomine began to throw the dirt into the hole until the hole was leveled. "Kagami. Lets go home," Aomine said adding, "We must be an amazing couple since people keep trying to take us apart."

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