Chapter 11

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A/N: So I've was ill and then I didn't have access to electronics for a week... that's pretty much my explanation... yup. Also this chapter is a time skip, it's set around 6 months after the last one.


I was sat in language class, listening to the teacher drone on and on. This class was mandatory, as we had to learn at least Japanese and English if we had a hope of becoming an idol. That was what they said, anyway. Even thought I could name multiple idols who couldn't speak English. But I knew better than to argue. Thinking back, I remember the good times I'd had as a trainee. It had been a tiring experience, and I knew I would still have a while to go. I'd already been a trainee for almost a year. Most days were pretty tough. We had very strict schedules to follow, and homework every day. But I did have some fun times. Practising with BTS was extremely fun. However, I hadn't talked to many of them for a long time. Especially  J-Hope. Around 6 months ago he seemed to be ignoring me and I just came to the conclusion that I did something wrong. I never found out what it was, but after a while the others stopped talking to me as much too.

Taehyung and Jenny were pretty close. I thought they were dating at one point. It seemed that when they got that close, Tae realised he had to back off. I'm not really sure why. Maybe he wanted her to train without him getting in the way? They still talk, though. And I see the way he looks at her, and how she looks at him. It's so cute and so sad at the same time.

My thoughts were interrupted by my name being called.

"Miss Y/L/N, could you focus? I will have you kicked out of this class if you don't." It was the teacher. I apologised immediately and began to listen.

A knock caused the teacher to stop talking, and we all looked in the direction of the door. A woman stepped in, someone I'd never seen before.

"Manager PD-Nim would like to see Y/N right now, please." She announced. I was confused. Had I done something wrong? What if I was being kicked out of BigHit? What if my work up to now had been for nothing, and it turns out I'll never be good enough? I stood up and made my way out and to his office. On the way I went through everything I had done this past almost-year. I couldn't think of anything bad, but I was still worried.

There was no one stood outside of the office when I arrived, so I just knocked and waited for confirmation that I was allowed inside. It came almost immediately.

"Come in!"

I opened the door, and saw PD-Nim sat behind his desk, and also Jenny and three other girls sat on the other side. I was extremely confused. What was happening?

Taehyung's POV:

"Hey, J-Hope?" I called to him as I saw him enter the dorm.

"Yeah?" He replied, not looking at me.

"It's happening today, isn't it? The thing with Y/N and Jenny?"

He turned to look at me. The sadness was clear in his eyes, but he was trying to hide it. I felt really sorry for him. He would miss her a lot. He nodded in answer to my question and turned back around.

"You won't be able to see her much anymore, you realise? At least, not for a while." He nodded again and walked off. I understood his feelings. I would miss Jenny. All of us had been avoiding Y/N and Jenny for a while, just in case we accidentally told them.

J-Hope suddenly came back in, grabbed his phone and raced towards the door.

"Woah, dude where you going?" I asked before he left.

"To see Y/N. I miss talking to her and after she finds out the... thing, I want to speak to her. You coming?" He asked before walking out. He didn't even need to wait for a reply, he already knew my answer. I jumped up and ran after him.


"Now that Y/N is here, I can finally tell you girls what is happening. You see, what I am about to say is extremely important, you must listen carefully. But before I tell you, let me introduce you to each other, as I suspect you don't all know everyone here."

I didn't want to be introduced to them. That could wait. I just wanted to know what this was all about. What was so important? Surely, if we were in trouble he wouldn't be acting like this? Smiling and introducing us to each other?

I learnt that the three girls were Katie Abbot, Kim Minji and Lee Yujin. We had been placed in the same dorm, but I never actually spoke to any of them. After all the introductions, we all turned to PD-Nim and stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He looked at us and laughed, sending our obvious impatience.

"Alright, alright girls, I'll tell you why you're here. You see, we have been observing multiple trainees here and we have handpicked the best 5 we saw. Those are you 5. We wish to make you into a Kpop idol group! If you wish to, and I suspect you will considering how hard you have trained, you will practise together and debut when we think you're ready. We plan to make you one of the first Kpop groups with a fully English singer, yes, that's you, Katie. So, what do you think?"

We all sat in silence, just staring. Was he serious? I was going to... debut? It had only been a year, not even that! A smile spread across my face and when I looked at the others, I saw they were all smiling too. We glanced at each other and nodded, then looked back at PD-Nim. Nobody spoke. It was pretty funny to be honest.

"We would all be delighted, Manager PD-Nim!" Jenny said eventually.

15 minutes later, we stepped out of the office. We had been filled in on the things we would need to know now and we couldn't be more excited. I gave Jenny a hug and smiled. I couldn't believe it. I was actually going to debut. And with my best friend. I turned around, ready to walk back to class but I was stopped. Someone had came up behind me and when I turned around, they hugged me. I stepped back and the person grabbed my hands and held them. It was him. What was he doing here? He had avoided me for 6 months and then he just turns up randomly? He pulled me in for another hug and whispered to me.

"Y/N... I'm so sorry..."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. Sorry about the horrible posting schedule, I am trying. Plus I haven't had any electronics for a week and as soon as I got them back I began writing this. Thanks so much for reading, I love you all!

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