Chapter 6

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"No way! Kim Taehyung said that to you? He touched your hair? For real?" Jenny couldn't believe what I was telling her. I nodded and smiled.

"He wants me to come practise with them all one day. I'll ask if you can come as well." When I said that Jenny launched herself at me and gave me a huge hug, saying I was the best person in the world.

Remember how I said I wasn't that big of a fan anymore, but I still loved their music? Well Jenny still hadn't gotten over them. She was still obsessed.

We decided to start heading down to the room that our first dance lesson was going to be held in. We had 4 lessons a day, each 3 hours long. That left enough time for practise, eating and sleeping. The schedule was easy for now because we were new trainees.

Most of the class were already then when we arrived. Me and Jenny stood in the corner towards the back. We weren't that fond of attention. The teacher walked in and we all bowed.

"Ok everyone, today, as it is our first day, one by one I want you to come up to the front and perform a freestyle dance to any song that plays. Get ready, I'm going to pick you at random." I held my breath, hoping I wouldn't get picked. Luckily I didn't. Some girl named Soojin was chosen and she had to dance to a slow love song. She was pretty good.

Next Jenny was picked. As she walked to the front, she looked back at me. It was obvious she did not want the attention. When she finished she quickly walked back to me with her head down and I chuckled at her.

"Y/N?" The teacher called and I looked up. "Would you like to perform next?" I very badly wanted to say no thanks but I knew I had no choice. I stood at the front, waiting for the music to come on. Luckily it was a song I knew, so I knew when the chorus would start and when the song ended.

Once I had finished my performance I bowed and joined Jenny. A boy stood next to us turned towards me and complimented me on my dance style. I smiled back and asked him his name. Friends would be good in a place like this.

"Call me Jun-Seo. You're Y/N? I heard the teacher calling you, I'm not a stalker, I promise." He said, shaking my hand. I laughed and turned back to watch the person performing. Everybody was amazing. And I guess that was to be expected. They did get into BigHit, after all.

Jun-Seo was called up after a while, and I was shocked. He was so much better than me. So much better than most in the class. I couldn't do anything but stare at him wide-eyed, and when he finished everyone clapped enthusiastically. He looked down, slightly smiling and walked back over to me. I was still starting at him.

"What?" He asked, trying not to smile.
"You... how did you do that well? Were you a trainee somewhere else or what?" I gaped at him. He shook his head.
"No, I've just been going to dance class since I was 5 so... how long have you been practising?"
"Since I was 13. Definitely not as long as you have."  He was about to say something, but the teacher interrupted him. 1 hour had already passed. The class was pretty big so it had taken a long time for everyone to show their skills.

After all our classes had finished, me and Jenny decided to head back down to the dance room for a quick extra practise. When we got there we found two other groups already in there, but there was still enough room for us. We placed our bags down in the corner and danced with the music already playing.

Then I saw someone in the reflection of the mirror standing at the door. Tae. I turned around, smiled at him and walked in his direction.

"Hey Tae, what's up?" I asked as he looked over at Jenny who was still dancing.
"Nothing much. Do you and your friend want to come down to the dance room me and the others practise in? It'd be fun to practise with you." He put his hands in his pockets and slightly lent against the doorframe. I called Jenny over. She turned and once she saw Taehyung she was obviously shocked.

The Trainee - A J-Hope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now