Chapter 4

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A/N: Ok I already said it but I know nothing about the procedure of being assigned dorms and all that so don't judge my interpretation of it.


"I'm Taehyung, you know, BTS?"

I stared at him, my mouth slightly open. A member of one of the most popular kpop groups was talking to me, giving me compliment and telling me I could make it as an idol.

"Um...Hello? Y/N? You good?" Taehyung waved his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of the trance I seemed to be in, and apologised. He just chuckled and turned to face the stage.

I took this time to get a good look at him as discreetly as I could. His blond hair was styled messily, as though he had just rolled out of bed. But it looked good on him. I had a feeling that if anyone else tried it, compared to him they would look like they just had an extreme case of bedhead. His jawline looked amazing from what I could see, and I felt extremely ugly sat next to him. Most of the time I would rate myself a 7/10, but sat next to him I felt more like a 2/10.

"So, uh Taehyung?" I started before he interrupted me.

"Call me Tae." He said without taking his eyes off the performers. I hesitated. Wasn't that just giving him a nickname? Would that make it seem like I was too close to him? I barely knew him. But I was too awkward to ignore his suggestion so I just complied.

"Ok.., Tae? Why are you talking to me?" He looked at me with a confused expression, and I realised what I had said and what it sounded like. I quickly corrected my sentence. "I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that you are this famous idol and you're talking to me out of everyone else. I'm just confused." He smiled at me and I felt a little overwhelmed. Why did he look so much better looking in real life? How was that even possible?

"I just thought you looked cool, so I wanted to come talk to you. And when you tripped down the stairs I decided to see if you were alright." At that end statement I blushed and looked down. So someone had seen my stupid mistake. When I looked back up his eyebrows were raised and he looked as though he was trying to stop himself from laughing. I was so embarrassed. He began to say something else, but the last trainee had just finished performing and was getting off the stage, and one of the trainers was stepping on.

He announced that since everyone had finished and that we would be assigned dorms, and assured us that everyone living in the dorms with us would be the same gender as ourselves. He began to read out names and as he did so, Taehyu... Tae stood up beside me. Glancing at me, he said:

"The others will probably want me to go practise with them. I'll see you later, yeah?" I nodded, still baffled that he wanted to talk to a freak like me. As he walked away, my name was called. I made my way to the group I was apparently going to be sharing a dorm with. Clasping my hands together, I prayed and prayed that Jenny would be in the same group.

"Kim Minji, Katie Abbott, Lee Yujin, and Jenny Watson." I smiled brightly as Jenny made her way over to me and stood by my side. This day couldn't get any better. I'd done a good performance, met a member of BTS who seemed to think I was cool, and now I was getting put in a dorm with my best friend. Everything was perfect.

Taehyung's POV:

"The others will probably want  me to go practise with them. I'll see you later, yeah?" I looked down at Y/N. She was beautiful, and I had a feeling she'd look even better if she didn't have that shocked look on her face. As I walked away I heard her name being called from the stage. I decided to stand at the door to make sure she was put with her friend. I didn't want her to be alone. Even though I'd only just met her, I had a feeling. We could be good friends if she was the kind of person I thought she was.

"Jenny Watson." I soon realised I had no idea what her friend's name was, but the girl who was sat next to her before got up and quickly made her way to the stage. Jenny Watson. That must have been her name. Looking back at Y/N, I saw her staring at her friend with a big smile on her face. She must have been relieved that she wouldn't be alone.

I knew one thing for sure, though. I was correct. She looked even better with a smile on her face. Almost perfect, but no human could ever be perfect. This was probably the closest you could get.

Now, I know it sounds like I liked her, even though I barely knew her. That wasn't the case. I merely wanted to be friends with her. But I knew someone who would probably want to be more. I'd have to get to know her a bit more though, find out what her personality was really like. Then, if I think she's good enough, I'll introduce her to him...

A/N: Thanks for reading. Sorry about my uneven uploading schedule, but I can honestly say... I have no excuse at all and it's pretty much because I'm lazy. Chapter 5 will be up soon.


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