Chapter 5

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A/N: Quick shoutout to @hitotheotherside for helping me decide how to start this chapter! 


The next day I woke up early. As in 6:05 early. Trying to be as quiet as I could, I climbed out of bed, grabbed some clothes and tiptoed past Jenny's bed. Jenny and I had been put together with some other girls in this house, we decided to share a room. Opening the door, I looked back, hoping I didn't wake her up, and once I had confirmed that she was still asleep I walked out and closed the door.

I made my way into the bathroom and got changed, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I had decided the night before that I would get up early and go down to the practise room for some quality dance time alone. This may have been the first time in my life that I actually got up early like I said I would. It was going to be my first proper day as a trainee, so I wanted to get a good start.

Once I was dressed, I grabbed my keys from my room and tiptoed back out again, then down the stairs and out the front door, careful not to wake any of the girls. 

Just as I had expected, the practise room was empty. Looks like all the new trainees are too lazy to get up early, I thought. Plugging my AUX cord into the stereo and my phone, I began playing a song. I'd learnt the night before when Jenny and I were talking with the other girls that the dance room was soundproof, so I could play the music as loud as I wanted without any worry of waking people up. I began to freestyle to some random songs that came on my playlist. My playlist was a mixture of total different genres. Pop, rock, punk, dance. I didn't really have a music preference. 

When some songs came on that I knew the choreography to, I decided to follow the dance routine. The first one I followed was Fire by BTS. Once the song had finished I was out of breath, so I turned off the stereo for a few minutes and sat on the floor with a bottle of water that I brought with me. My mind drifted back to yesterday, with Tae.

"I just thought you looked cool, so I wanted to come talk to you." What did he mean by that? He was just being friendly, right? I shook my head, pushing away any thoughts of him actually wanting to be friends with me, and turned the stereo back on. 

Around an hour later I decided that I should start making my way back to my dorm. However, as I turned around I saw a familiar person stood at the door, watching me.


"Oh hi, Tae. What you doing here?" I asked, picking my phone, keys and water bottle up from the floor. 

"I was just coming down to practise, but I saw you were already here. You're such a good dancer, Y/N." He said, smiling at me, "When you did some of our dances, I was thinking that you could replace most of us. Except maybe J-Hope or Jimin... they're amazing... no offence meant, of course." 

I smiled and shook my head. It was cute how he was worried about offending me. And how much he was complimenting me. I wasn't going to lie, I loved it. 

"You should come practise with us one day, you know? I think the others will agree that you stand a huge chance of debuting soon." When he said that my eyes widened. Did he really mean that?

"Oh... um, well I just got here so I doubt that but... thanks... a lot." I mumbled, looking down. He chuckled and started making his way over to me. Ruffling my hair, he said,

"You're cute, Y/N. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." I tried not to start hyperventilating, and stepped back. He was smiling at me, but not like before. This time he had his signature box-like smile. The one everyone loves. It looked even cuter in real life. I hurriedly told him that I should be getting back to my dorm, slightly bowed and made my way out of the practise room. 

When I got back into my room I exploded. Jenny was sat on her bed, brushing her hair.

"JENNY! You're not going to BELIEVE what just happened!" 

Taehyung POV:

  "You're cute, Y/N. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." I really meant it. I liked Y/N. She seemed like a nice girl. And she really was an extremely talented dancer. She stepped back and I smiled at her. 

"Um... I should be getting back to my dorm now. Bye, Tae." She said quickly, bowed and left. 

I shook my head, laughing slightly.

"Soon..." I thought, "Soon I'll introduce her to him. I can already tell things will go well when I do." 

I turned on the stereo and plugged my phone in, beginning to dance.

A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed. I don't really have anything to say so I guess I'll see you in the next chapter, probably uploaded tomorrow! 


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