Chapter 7

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The next day I didn't even have time to think about J-Hope. Our schedule was packed, even though we were new trainees. However I was given a bit of time out of training to go say goodbye to my mum, as she was leaving today. 

I powered through the lessons we had, and by the last one every part of my body was aching. And I still had to make my way to the hotel, come back and finish my homework from each class. I groaned and put my head down on the table, then quickly sitting back up before the teacher noticed and I got in trouble. 

Languages was my last lesson. We were currently learning Japanese, which I wasn't very good at but I was slowly getting better and better with each lesson. I was hoping we would start learning English soon, since I had lived in England most of my life so it would be pretty easy for me. 

By the end of the lesson I was putting short sentences together, and I could introduce myself in Japanese. Once homework had been assigned and we were free to go, I rushed out of the class. It would take me half an hour to get to the hotel, and my mum would probably leave it in 35 minutes. I was sad that I might only get 5 minutes with her before she left, but it was better than nothing. I was lucky to be able to get any time with her at all. 

Waving goodbye to Jenny as she made her way back to the dorm, I began running towards the road. I climbed into the first taxi that drove past and told him the address, then sat back. After about 10 minutes I received a text

Mum: Where are you? I'm leaving soon.

Y/N: I'm making my way there now. Wait 10 more minutes? 

Mum: Ok, see you soon.

10 minutes later I payed the driver, thanked him and ran into the hotel. My mum was waiting for me in the lobby. She looked over at me as I made my way over to her and smiled at me. 

"I'm so proud of you, Y/N. I don't really want to leave but I can't afford to stay here, I need to go back to work. You understand, right?" She said as she hugged me. I nodded and smiled, picking up two of her bags.

"Of course I understand. Let me help you into the car, there's a lot of bags here." We made our way out of the hotel and I packed the bags into the back of the car waiting outside. I gave her one last hug and then she got in the car and the driver started the engine. Waving her off, I couldn't help but smile even more. I knew I should be upset that she was leaving, and I was, but I was also extremely happy. Even if I didn't make it as a kpop idol, I knew I'd already made my mum proud. And that was really all I needed. Looking at the time, I saw that it was already half 10. I hailed a taxi.

"BigHit Studios, please." I said as I climbed into the car. 


Me and the boys were coming back from a cafe we had decided to go to, when I saw Y/N running out and getting into a taxi.

"Where do you think she's going?" I asked V, and he looked at me, smirking. Shaking my head, I pushed him. He laughed, pulling out his phone.

"I don't know. Pass me your phone for a minute?" He asked. I was extremely confused and suspicious. Why did he want my phone? But it was 5 to 10 and I couldn't be bothered arguing with a childish kid like him, so I just handed it over. 

Unlike what I thought he would do, he gave me it back within less than a minute. I frowned and went through my text messages, photos, social media, anything he could have messed with. He shook his head and sighed.

The Trainee - A J-Hope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now