1: starry skies

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~ This is the author speaking. In this book of Fierrochase headcanons, whenever you see italicized text with ~~ around it, the text is out of storyline. Enjoy Fierrochase Headcanon 1! ~

Magnus stares into the distance, his grey eyes shining with the light from a million stars. We've been "together" for a couple weeks now. This is our fourth official date, and he's just always so beautiful.
"The sky is, like, purple over there," he whispers.
"Yeah, bonehead. No kidding," I say sarcastically. I still love teasing him, though we are closer now.
"Jeez, thanks," Magnus rolls his eyes.
"You're welcome," I say cheerfully. I lean on his shoulder. "Wow, you're so warm," I say. I know he's the son of Frey, but it sometimes still surprises me.
"You're cold?" Magnus asks.
"Just a little," I say. Magnus wraps his strong enheirjii arms around me. I turn toward him.
"Thanks," I say softly. He smiles. My heartbeat quickens when he gently strokes my cheek with his hand. We haven't kissed yet, so I think it might be high time to do so.
"You're beautiful too," he whispers, his voice catching on the final syllable. I smile and lean towards his face. Our lips touch. Some people say your first kiss is like a spark of electricity. Ours was more like... chocolate. Smooth and warm, and slowly melting away in a short rush or heat. My lips tingle pleasantly afterwards, and I caress Magnus's cheek with my cold hand. His eyes are closed, but I keep mine open. I want to draw in every moment of tonight, of him.
"I love you," I say quietly. He just smiles and kisses me again. I need no verbal answer. We have fallen for each other.

~thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoy the rest of the headcanons and fan fictions!~

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