3: Sadness and kisses

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~hey peeps! It's been a long time, sorry! I just read ship of the dead and WOWZERS I loved it!! Anyway, here's another headcanon, hope you enjoy!~

I was strolling down the hallway on floor nineteen towards my room when I heard a quiet sobbing coming from one of the rooms ahead of me. I furrowed my brow and advanced. The crying was coming from Magnus's room. I hesitated before knocking, but I eventually gave a light tap.

"Hey Magnus, it's me, Alex. Can I come in?" I ask softly. Though I often make fun of the dork, I honestly want him to be happy. And he's obviously not right now. I hear a sniffle and his ragged voice spirals through the wooden door.

"Yeah," he says. I turn the doorknob and gently push open the door.

"What's the matter?" I ask, sitting down in his atrium that's so much like mine. He's curled up and leaning against the tree with his face in his hands.

"This is stupid," he replies, his voice muffled through his hands.

"No, it's not. You can tell me," I say, trying to be comforting.

"I... I miss my mom," he whispers. I don't know what to say. I've never had a parent that I cared for, but Magnus loved his mother. I just didn't know he missed her so much, still.

He glances up at me warily. I touch his tear-soaked hand lightly. "Look. I'm not much help with this, but I can do one thing. I can ask what you need me to do," I say softly. He stares at me like I'm a ghost. Which I guess I kind of am. Sort of. "What's the matter, never seen an Alex asking what you need before?" I ask sarcastically.

"No, not really," he says. He looks down at his hands again. "I think I need fresh air. Can... can we just go out of the hotel?"

"Yeah. Let me go get changed, I've got clay all over me. Meet you back here in 10 minutes?" I say. I hope that this helps Magnus.

"Okay. See you then," he says, standing up shakily. I leave quickly and head back to my room to change. I don't know why, but I'm feeling kind of nervous. I guess I just don't know how to deal with Magnus's cause for being sad right now. For some reason I feel like I'm nervous because of something more, but I have no idea what for.

I go back to Magnus's room, where he's wiped the tear lines off of his face and put on a jacket and light gloves.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, let's go," he answers. We head outside and wave to Hunding on our way out. He smiles and calls to Magnus to bring him a chocolate. Magnus yells back that he doesn't have any money. We go out into the chilly late winter air, where there's warm sunlight and cool shade. In a few places throughout Boston, dirty snow sits un-melting in the shade of a tree or a building. Magnus is silent, so I am too. We walk aimlessly through the bustling streets, not really on our way to anywhere. I glance over at Magnus every so often, but his face is pink from the cold and emotionless. His grey eyes sometimes sparkle, reflecting the springtime sunlight. I blush when I catch myself staring. We stop suddenly. I look around. We're in a park, but I didn't even notice coming here. Guess I was too busy looking at cuteness - I mean Magnus. He looks at me and I gaze back at him. We both look away at the same time, our cheeks tinted red. He's cute when he's blushing. We sit down on a bench and Magnus places his hand beside him. I hesitate for a moment, then go for it. I gently cover his hand with mine. He looks at me with a surprised expression but doesn't take his hand away from mine. I scoot closer to him and lift his hand up. He grasps my fingers.

"Your hand is cold," he says softly.

"Your hand is warm," I reply. We smile at each other, and I think before either of us think about what we're doing, our faces lean towards each other. Our lips touch, softly. We break apart after what feels like a moment, but it could have been a minute. We stare at each other.

"Um... are we... you know, a thing now?" Magnus asks.

"Only if you want to be," I reply. His eyes widen.

"Yeah, I do. I really do," he says excitedly, like a puppy. I laugh and kiss him again. 

~thanks for reading! Please leave a comment or vote or something, it would make my day! Word count: 800 words~

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