2 (continued): Coffee and Falling Leaves

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~this is the continuation of  part 2: Coffee and Falling Leaves, so if you haven't read that, please flip back a chapter! Also, I'm switching POVs! By the way friends, I greatly apologize for not updating either of my stories in so long :( I missed you! I'll probably update each like once a week, if I can  I'm really busy these days, so I'll try my best~

Alex wasn't sure why he did that. Magnus was obviously a cutie, but he didn't think before just diving into the relationship. He wished he had at least tried to hang out with Magnus for a bit today, but he got flustered and just left. It would have been less awkward if he had stayed for a bit, but after announcing his own fabulousness, he got shy. Which was really weird for him. He was always outgoing and "the weird one" but in that moment, he had gotten embarrassed. Magnus was just sitting there with two coffees, and Alex had watched his soft face for a couple minutes before walking into Magnus's sight. And now Magnus has felt surprised and maybe even hurt. Alex hoped he hadn't already ruined the relationship before it even started. He sighed. 

"Hey, Alex," Mallory says when he got to floor nineteen. "How'd it go?" 

"Ugh," Alex replies. He had told Mallory he was going to ask Magnus out today. 

"Great! Let's go get cookies, k?" Mallory says. Alex nods silently. He trails Mallory to the dining hall, where there are unlimited snacks. They both pick out some cookies and head back upstairs. Mallory opens the door to her room and they walk inside. Well, Mallory walks. Alex trudges. Mallory joins him when he slumps down at her table. 

"So, he didn't accept?" Mallory asks. 

"No, it was more like he didn't expect it. He accepted, which I guess is good, but ugh," Alex says.

"Elaborate," Mallory says plainly.

"He said he liked me right when I got there, so I got nervous and basically asked him out and then ran away. He had this, like, annoyed look on his face when I left," I say, putting my face in my hands. 

"Well, I'd say today was a success for you. When's your date with him?" Mallory asks, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Next Saturday, at the coffee place," I say. I still feel miserable. 

"Well, if he doesn't cancel, you're fine! Look, I've got to go, see you tomorrow," Mallory says.

"All right." Alex gets up and puts his empty coffee cup in the trash. "See you later," he says on his way out the door. 

~there will be a continuation, don't worry! Their date is yet to come! See you next time :)~

Fierrochase Headcanons/FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora