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I see the mare come back with a grey foal by her side. When he sees me he happily trots towards me. "Hi, I'm Ace," he says. "I'm Midnight". I say "My dams name is Lily and my sire's name is Jack" Ace says. "My dams name is Bella and my sire's name is Koda," I say looking back at them. We start to play and run around. After that day we were best friends.
I think Midnight is awesome! She loves to run around and race me. Ever since my mom introduced me to her, we were best friends! Midnight is really fast like her sire, she wins all the races! I get a little jealous sometimes. Once we ran into a fenced area, luckily we were able to escape. Afterward, Bella and my dam gave us a serious talk about what two-legged creatures are. We didn't really understand but we nodded our heads and had to stay with the herd the rest of the day. It's boring being with the older horses. I and Midnight found some more filly's and colts, a fully named Stella, a colt named Edward and another filly named Spark. We played tag around the herd. I bumped into our herd leader, Midnight's dad and he told us to stop. So unfair! The next day we all had a race, Midnight came first, Edward in second, Me in third, Spark in fourth and Stella was last. Stella could be a bit bitty, she nipped Spark and Spark kicked her, in the end, they both apologized.  We all slept together in a cave used for shelter in our meadow. We were all best friends.

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