Mathias slowly leaned down and kissed the Norwegian softly but passionately. Lukas went wide eyed at this action but soon melted into it and began to kiss back, they hesitantly parted after what felt like hours but was probably no more that a few minutes, Mathias was the one to pull away and stared down at the smaller male now in his embrace, panting softly, "Lukas I love you, please don't ever think I don't".

Tears sprung from Lukas's eyes and he leaned in to hug the taller Dane, his head only reaching about mid chest

"what's wrong?" The Dane questioned

"I thought you would hate me for loving you" Lukas said although it was mumbled by Mathias's shirt

"now how could I ever do that when I love you more than You could ever imagine" he said truthfully, dragons mate for life and the love they feel for their partner is stronger than many spells and temptation that many other magical being can fall for, ever since Mathias first meet Lukas he knew, he was in love and that their was something special about him, a zing if you will.

Lukas jumped up to shorten the distance separating the two, Mathias of course catching him and holding him up. Their faces now just 2 inches away from each other Lukas connected their lips together once more, Mathias soon responded to this by prodding his tung on Lukas's lips asking for entrance, which was soon granted to him.

He explored the new slippery cavern, they backed up into a cave wall Mathias pinning Lukas to it as Lukas wrapped his legs around Mathias's waste, once again they stayed like this for quite a while before Mathias broke the kiss once more and spoke "Lukas I love you, will you please be my mate" Mathias inquired smoothly despite the crimson blush spreading like butter across his cheeks.

Lukas thought for a minute, although, truthfully, he already had a decision the moment he asked, he just wanted to mess with him a bit. Lukas had read books on dragons and other mythical creatures of the sort and knew what he meant by 'mate', to dragons it often didn't matter what gender their partner was or species for that matter because of the strong magical bond between a dragon and their mate, being very well capable of breaking the laws of nature as well as magic. "yes" he replied with a genuine smile that could match that of Mathias's maybe even beat it.

Mathias smile bigger than he ever had and twirled Lukas around the room ending with a light kiss on his forehead as Lukas giggled.

They sat down next to one another and peacefully enjoyed their dinner, Lukas now pretty much sitting in Mathias' lap, while Mathias had his arm wrapped around lukas' shoulder, pulling him in even closer.

The two stayed like this for an hour or so until Mathias noticed that Lukas had fallen asleep, leaning into his chest as if it were a pillow. Mathias stared down once more at his cute lover and decided to bring him to his bed room so he could sleep better.

He gingerly pick up the smaller norwiegen, bridal style of course.

Lukas began to stir slightly, causing Mathias to worry that he woke him up, what he didn't expect was from the Norwiegian, was for him to lean up and kiss him, the surprise of it nearly caused him to drop the smaller male, they parted from the kiss and began to head back to the room Mathias use as a bedroom when he was in human form, he may be a dragon but he still loved to sleep on an actual bed every once in a while, though it was more of a nest of sheep wool and animal skins but still way more comfortable than most beds.

When he entered the bedroom he gently placed Lukas down on the bed and began to kiss him passionately once more. He accidentally brushed his hand across Lukas's curl, resulting in a shiver to run down Lukas' spine, Mathias, taking notice of this pulled the curl once more to see the reaction, this time he moaned slightly, figuring out the link between curl and Lukas, he began to play with Lukas's curl resulting in Lukas moaning into the kiss

" d-don't" he said breathlessly

Mathias smirked deviously as his tale began to wag, like that of a happy puppy. He played with the curl a bit more while kissing his now lover, " I love you, Lukas" the Dane said as he parted from their kiss

Lukas was a blushing mess from these simple word " I love you to Mathias" Lukas said with a small smile, then a yawn as Mathias plopped down onto the bed, laying besides his love.

The world around them seemed to fade around them, as if they were the only ones in it, as they stared into one another's eyes lovingly, slowly drifting of to sleep. But as Lukas tried his best to get warm he simply couldn't

"hey Mathias I'm cold" he whined.

"Huh, ok well take of your clothes I know a way to warm you up" he said nonchalantly, only realizing how perverse he sounded after Lukas turned 12 shades of crimson.

"No,no,no,no I didn't mean it that way, it's just that, dragons have higher body temperature and the heat transfers easier if it's bare skin contact,I swear I didn't mean it like that, not that I don't want to do that, hell I'd give anything to do that with you, b-but that's not what I meant this time, i-i would want you to feel comfortable and ready for that kind of thing before I even try it, a-and um"he tried to explain frantically, but was cut of by Lukas who, try his hardest,couldn't contain his laughter at the site.

"Ok- haha-I-I get it pffhhahaha" Lukas tried to say, Mathias now looking down in shame his cheeks currently on fire.

After Lukas calms down a bit he decided to follow through with Mathias' suggestion and striped of his clothes, Mathias doing the same and hoping back under the furs they used as a blanket.

Lukas immediately latching onto Mathias "wow you really are warm" Lukas said as he ran his hand over his lovers chest, feeling a few scales and scars here and there but other wise smooth skin and firm muscle.

"I told ya so" the Dane said teasingly, while still trying to recover from the burning of his cheeks.

Mathias adjusted his wings so that they were covered the two of them almost like a cocoon, providing optimal warmth to them as they dozed of in each other's arms

Ok so longer chapter this time, it was originally meant to just be Lukas's or Norway's point of view but I decided to go ahead and add the third person point of view I had written for the next chapter, so you wouldn't be left hanging just yet. I only have I think up to the next two chapter drafted out so give me some ideas or ships you might like to see in later chapters if you want, welp see ya next chapter

Dragons sacrifice(a DenNor fanfic) old version Where stories live. Discover now