The start

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I open my eyes to see a beautiful creature looking down at me. "Hello" I shyly say, "hello darling" reply's the beautiful creature. "Who are you?" I ask. "I am your mother, Bella" she replies. I feel happy and safe around Bella. "Hello mother, what is my name?" I ask. "Your name sweetheart is Midnight". I try to stand, my legs wobble and I fall back down mother laughs. She helps me up. Once I'm used to using my legs, I look around, there are many other creatures that are all different colors. "What are we?" I ask my mother, "we are horses, and this is our herd" the mother says. I look around again, there is a big black stallion trotting towards us. I hide behind my mothers tail, "do not be frightened, that is only your sire" my mother calmly says to me. I come out from hiding, "my name is Midnight" I proudly say to my sire. "Well hello Midnight, I am Koda your sire" he says. We start walking to the herd, when we stop I nurse from my mother. After that I feel tired, I lie down beside my mother and fall into a deep sleep. When I open my eyes, my mother and sire aren't beside me. I get up and start galloping around, I start to worry. I finally found them talking with another stallion and mare. I calmly walk up to them, "Hello, you must be Midnight" the mare says. "Yes, I am," I say. "I'm sure you and Ace will become great friends," the stallion says proudly.

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