Caged Wings Ch.1

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   Pic is the version of the main OC, Amyra (aka Amy) in this story

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   Pic is the version of the main OC, Amyra (aka Amy) in this story. On the left is before she's captured by GiantJerk Sans, and on the right is after she's escaped from him and is in hiding. The dollmaker used is in the pic as I can not draw to save my life.

Italics are a character's thoughts, though most of this story will be Amy's POV.


   The sun was shining brightly, whisps of clouds floating through the sky. The trees below flew past at high speeds as I soared through the sky, letting out a loud whoop of joy. I dove down, weaving expertly between the thick branches of the forest canopy, doing aerial acrobatics as I flew. I popped up out of the treetops, noticing a town nearby.

   "Huh. Wonder if anyone there is friendly to Mutants...likely not." I muttered, diving back down into the trees, spotting a small clearing. As I settled onto the soft forest floor, I felt a twinge of jealousy for the Mutants who did not have their traits visible like me.

   Lucky them, they have an easier time passing as Human and getting jobs...a home, not having to steal to survive...

   Sighing, I knelt down and rummaged through my shoulder bag until I dug out my IPod and the attachment speaker, turning them on to a random instrumental song. As the song started, I closed my eyes peacefully, dancing around the clearing to the tune coming from the speakers. I enjoyed dancing but because I was a Mutant, people tended to throw hateful comments to me just because of who I was.

   After the song finished, I put away my things, getting ready to go and explore the nearby town and see if there was anywhere I could get some food or clothes without Humans making a big fuss. However, as I turned to head to the town, the sound of cracking wood caught my attention from deeper in the forest. 

   Ok....what on Earth could have made that sound...

   As scared as I was to go deeper into the forest, my curiosity won out over it and I found myself slinging my bag over my shoulders once more and heading deeper into the woods. As I walked deeper into the woods, I realized the canopy of the trees grew thicker and thicker, cutting the sunlight to half the amount in the sparser areas.

   After about an hour of walking, I came upon another clearing like the one I'd been in earlier, but much bigger. I looked around, still wondering what had made that sound earlier when a flash of blue caught my eyes. I looked over- and in the middle of the clearing, was a giant skeleton!

   I covered my mouth as I gasped, eyes wide. 

   H-how on Earth-?! What could possibly be this big to leave such a skeleton behind after its death?!

   Curious, I slowly crept forward, noting the skeleton had on a blue hoodie with a fur-lined hood, black shorts with a white stripe up the sides, and pink slippers.

   "Not exactly what I'd expect a dead skeleton to wear..." I muttered, feeling emboldened and crawling up the side of the skeleton and onto the face. "Doesn't look human...looks humanoid at least..." I said. I looked over the face and noticed the eyesockets were closed, like eyelids.

   That's weird...eyesockets don't normally close do they?

   I ran my hands over the left eyesocket carefully, entranced by the warm, semi-pliablility of the bone beneath my fingers. Suddenly, I felt the skull under me shifting and I let out a surprised squeal, eyes wide as the eyesocket I'd just had my hands on OPENED. Two black sockets stared at me for a moment before glowing, white lights filled them, focusing dead on me as if like pupils.

   "Sup?" A voice rumbled below me, making me realize it was the skeleton talking.

   It hadn't been had been sleeping....oh, fucknuggets...

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