01 - How we met

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I forgot to mention. I'm a slow updater. But I hope you guys can wait for me. Please give me your comments and votes toward this story. I'm really appreciated it and really sorry! :(


Third point of view

Shiganshina Kingdom

Year 1845

The kingdom has three territory which was named as Sina, Rose and Maria. The ruler of the kingdom live in the Sina territory, which is the first territory that located at the center of Shiganshina Kingdom.

However, the kingdom had lost the Maria , the third territory during the war that launched from another kingdom .The kingdom managed to win the war and gained back the peace, but had abandoned the Maria. Thus, there were only two territory that still remain in the kingdom.

After the war, there were only a few of survivors from Maria who managed to survive from the war. Most of them live in Rose territory to continue their life ,but it won't be the same as before. Many of them have lost their beloved ones and still scared from the nightmare that haunted them.


Year 1850

At the castle

Levi's POV

"Have a good trip, Levi! See you soon !" Four Eyes waved her hands in the air happily as she seeing me off.

'Finally I can get out after a whole month.'

Flashback (playing the sound of reversing video)


"Levi! Levi! You are so not gonna to believe this!"

I looked to Hanji as she slammed the door very loud. Great, now another my room's door crooked again. All the reason because of that Four Eyes.

"Tch, what now, Four Eyes?"

" His Majesty said that you are now allowed to go outside the castle freely! OMG, isn't that awesome?! "

I believe this kind of thing happened because of the yesterday's event. I made a request to the old fart (The King) that I wanted to get out from this damn castle because I'm getting tired of it. I didn't expect for him to agreed, probably because it was my birthday that happened to be on Christmas. If I knew it earlier, I should asked him a long time ago. But of course I was happy about it because that stupid old man never let me get out from this castle. What I'm saying is, I spent my entire 20 years life in this damn place . I finally gained my liberty.

"But His Majesty had set up two conditions especially for you if you really want to do this"

"What is it?"

"Ahem. First, you must hide your identity in the public. it's means that you have to dress up as a commoner. That's easy. And secondly, you must find a new spouse" I made a face that looked it said 'are you kidding me'.

"Well, Levi. I already know that you won't agreed with it but isn't it great? I mean, you always or never accepted any of your marriage proposal that His Majesty arranged. This mean His Majesty let you choose anyone you want. He probably gave up to you. He said that you're already can make your own decision by your age. You're hard head anyway. "

"Is that stupid old man is really my father?" I mumbled to myself so that Hanji couldn't hear it. It's not like I'm gonna protest or what, it's just that old fart suddenly change which made me wonder that is he really my own father? I think about it for almost two minutes and come to my conclusion. Hey, two minutes are long. It's not like I'm taking a test.

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