House of Memories

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Ever heard something so eerily foreign that you can't help but put that sound on repeat in your head because you want to try understand to what's going on?

Well, if so, have you ever heard someone you love talk to you happily through the phone - and on your anniversary no less - about how she was finally able to get out of her work early to see you, only to abruptly stop that heavenly soothing voice as a loud crash rang through your ear?

Have you ever heard your wife scream through the speaker of your phone while you're 4 miles away, working at a job you hate and you can't help but listen to her because you're too frozen to hang up?

Okay, how about this.. Have you ever heard the love of your life cry for help until the line eventually goes dead?


It started from a good day - great even - where I woke up in the morning to the girl I simply couldn't separate from.

Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao.

I first met her during my freshman year in NYU. I had a test the next day and Keana, a friend I had made prior, wanted to have a study date with me in a local coffeehouse somewhere near the university. But when I had just arrived there, she cancelled on me.

Although I was pissed that she cancelled on me last minute, in retrospect, I kind of owed her a lot because she helped me find the girl I can't help but fall for.

Camila was a barista there, working as a part timer.

Pretty cliche, right? Like the movies. Meeting a girl from a coffee shop and falling in love soon after?

Depends. I guess you'd be the judge of that.


"Excuse me Miss?" She said politely. "What can I get for you?"

I didn't look up from my phone when she asked, too busy throwing profanities towards Keana for canceling on me.

"Can I get a latte?" I said, my eyes still glued to my phone.

"Alright. Size?" She asked.

"Large," I mumbled, seeing as I would be needing tons of caffeine.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Large." I spoke up louder, probably coming off as disrespectful.

"Look Miss, I'm really tired and to be frank here, I have a low tolerance for rude people. So can you just please put that phone away when you order? I'm pretty sure your little boyfriend there can manage without you for a few minutes," she said. And although she was relatively polite, I didn't perceive it that way at that time. To me, she had just added more flame into my already gloomy mood.

Finally, I looked up to meet the slightly aggravated girl, taking my time key-pointing her facial features; her brunette hair flowing down her small shoulders, her perfectly trimmed eyebrows, her physically tired brown doe eyes, her cute little button nose, her prominent cheekbones, her full mouth and her sharp (slightly crooked) jawline.

A huge lump formed in my throat, feeling attacked by her beautiful sculptured face. But Keana was pissing me off and I couldn't help but allocate my anger towards the girl behind the counter.

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