Chapter 4: Three: Part D:

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Catherine, & Melissa were busy helping Renee making sure that Will stays warm, & is comfortable, & keep an eye on Samantha, Charlie, & Grace

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Catherine, & Melissa were busy helping Renee making sure that Will stays warm, & is comfortable, & keep an eye on Samantha, Charlie, & Grace. While Steve hung out on the balcony, after he took a warm shower, & was alone, & lost in his thoughts. While, Danny, Abby, Adam, & Kono were making out a plan. Lou saw his leader, & love ond alone, & out on the balcony all by himself.

"Are you okay, Brother ?", Lou asked with a concern look etched into his face. Steve tried to be convincing, & said with a smile, "I am, Buddy, Don't worry about me", & Lou said with a knowing look, "No, You are not", The Former SWAT Commander said, as he looked at him, "You are worried", he said with a sigh. Steve knew that he couldn't hide a thing from his friend, & nodded, "I am, I worried about our ohana not having enough protection", Lou said, soothingly to him, as a response to him. Cause, He knows Steve is the best at what he does, & hectrusts him with his own life, & that of his family's.

"You are doing the best that you can", Lou said, as he sat down next to him, & was grateful that the man was alive. Steve said with a sigh, "I don't know", as he rubbed his eyes, & just looked like he was a defeated man, Lou couldn't stand to see it. "You are the best man, that I know, Also I wanted to apolo for yelling at you", He hated to get emotional, but it needed to be said, He owes the seal everything for rescuing his son from danger. "Steve, Thank you, Thank you for saving my baby boy, I don't know what I would've done if I lost him to the water out here", he said, as he gestures towards the lake. "I was just doing what I normally do, I rely on my instincts", Lou smiled, & knew he had him, Steve also knew, & said with a smile of his own, "Oh, You Son of a bitch, I can't believe that I fell for that", They both chuckled, as Lou said this to him.

Gabriel was glad to hear that his message was delivered, & he said to Mikko, "I wanted Kelly to get it, That all bets are off, If he doesn't come with me, I will go after his precious ohana, til they are dead, one by one." The Top Goon replied with, "I think he & his ohana got the message, & I think the rest of this operation will go smoothly, as soon as Chin-Ho Kelly is dead", Gabriel said with a smirk, & said, "Good, When our buyer gets the supplies that he demands, we are gonna be paid off very well, & then, we will be in Mexico", Mikko likes the idea of this, "I am in this til the end, Boss, Just tell me what you need". The Criminal replied, "I will let you know, As soon as I can think of something", & they went off to rest for awhile, Gabriel decided to forego bed, & work on how to kill Chin-Ho Kelly, for what he put his sister through.

Lou said, "It's those instincts of yours that makes you a great cop, I believe in you, So does the others, Also, If you didn't have those instincts, My family would be dead, & so would I, Just have a little bit more confidence in yourself, You will be fine for this job, til it's time for you to leave Earth, & be put into the ground", Steve smiled, & said, "Thanks, Lou, I will take your advice". Danny calls them back in, & so they could be in on the plan, on how to stop Gabriel, & take care of their ohana, while they are trying to enjoy their vacation.

"I think that they are using military strategic planning, & they are kept on their toes, That is why they never fail", Abby began explaining the plan, Chin took over by saying, "So, We get one step ahead of them by getting them, before they get us". Adam said, "We plan bigger, & work smarter not harder", Kono smirked, & said, "Big, Dumb, Ugly, That's our favorite kind". Danny said, as he looked at his partner, love one, & best friend, "What you do think, Steve ?", Steve thought about it, & said with a,smile on his face, "Let's get these fuckers", He told Catherine to work on getting them moved down the road, & they will work from there.

Gabriel was looking at a treasure map, & it had the pictures of the vacation spot, that was during the time of the pirates. "I think this is the spot", he thought to himself, as he pointed to a spot on it. He also did research, & found that there are some risky spots, that they have to be careful of. "The money is within my reach, I just have to be patient", as he continued to think to himself. He made some more notes, & then he went to bed. He knew that he could outsmart Chin, & the Five-O Ohana, if he plans it right, & organizes it perfectly.

The Next Morning, Melissa & Danny decided to have a little quality time together, before the others got up, & start the day. "Danny, Is something bothering you ?", Danny nodded, & said, "I just want to say I am so sorry for how I acted, & treated you, You mean the world to me", Melissa said emotional, "Oh, Danny", The Blond was ready to say the biggest & important words in his life. "I you, Melissa Armstrong", She said, as she composed herself, "I love you too, Danny", The Blond said continuing, "I learned that I can't always be negative, Life is too short, Melissa, Would you move in with me, & be there for Grace, & Charlie ?", The Beautiful Vixen nodded happily, & they shared a hot kiss.

Catherine started to feel sick, early that morning, she chalked up to something bad not agreeing with her stomach. She suddenly realized that she could be pregnant, & she took a pregnancy test, that she brought with her. As soon as the results came through. She was amazed by it, & the former naval beauty couldn't wait to tell Steve the news, & celebrating the wonderful news with him. She decided to tell him over dinner one night. She put the test away for now, & just focused on getting her day started, & spend some time with her lover. She quickly got back into bed, before he wakes up, & discovers that she is up, & wake.

They were moved to another cabin, their best one, down the road. Once, They were settled, Kono, & Abby made a fabulous lunch. Danny decided to tell everyone the news, "Melissa & I are moving together", Everyone whooped for joy, & they were celebrating, & Steve took him tothe side, so they could talk in private. "I am so happy for you, Partner", he said, as he hugs him firecely, Danny hugged him with just as much force, "Thank you", & they went to join the others & celebrate more, than usual. Steve knew that, when they get back home, things will get better for them, & things will be back to normal, after awhile.

Everyone was enjoying their activities, & relaxing for a bit, Steve has no idea what is gonna be in store, for him, So, He got what he needed to carry out their plan, & went to straight to work for awhile, & he then did his workout routine, Catherine was watching him with a lustful look, & they went to a private spot, & made out, til they had down, & dirty sex. Catherine decided to tell right then, & there, They had an exchange about it, Then, He said smiling, "If you're happy, then, I am happy", They shared a passionate kiss, & held each other, til they are ready to move.

Vacation Of Celebration Or Hell ?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz