Entry 20 - wow! 20!

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Wow, it's chapter 20! I thought I would have given up on this by now!!

But no this isn't an entry. It's a question. Do you like this so far?

And if so, what has been your favourite part?

I feel I'm losing my flair, and I was just wondering if I had.

But anyway, randomness:

Adding on to 'overly detailed', we get it. Her eyes are a gorgeous blue colour.

So yeah. I feel like there's been more not-entries than entries. Hahaha. Oh dear...

I don't know what else like completely and utterly annoys me.

Oh! I hate it when the dad hates the guy. Ugh can I get a cliche?!

Also when it's an Ashton one and he doesn't like his singing voice and he sings and he's obviously amazing. Like, shut up, you are in a band. You can't be all that bad, jeez.

So this was randomness and very chatty. I like the chatty chapters. It's nice for once in a while.

So bye and thank you.













THANK YOU FOR 4,000 READS LIKE WUT |gif on de side of louis saying thank you lol|

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