Entry 5 - The Forever Empty House

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So uh, yeah.

The house is always empty.

The parent - usually the mom - is either away/just not there or not even mentioned at all.

When the parents aren't mentioned, like, ever, I always tend to think "how is she alive if there's no parents?!"

Weird question, I know but you can say I'm right.

No? Oh, ok.

Anyways, back to the point, the house is empty so the girl or whatever or maybe it's a Larry fanfic but anyways the girl (usually) is always Home Alone.

Might as well change her name to Kevin.

Shut up it's not Christmas anymore.


Lets be real - if you were in your house all alone all the time it'd get pretty scary sometimes? Maybe just add in an weird cleaner lady so the girl isn't totally alone. Or make a horror story:

Killer Cleaning Lady in the Forever Empty House with Kevin (dun dun dun)

Credit goes to fivesauceysauce who has an AMAZING fanfiction. Yeah, hope you liked it and stuff. Maybe a few votes for the next one? :)

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