"Let you out of this one? You know what honey, I'll let your dirty black soul go out of this pristine world of ours." I lunged towards him with full force, but his arms caught mine and I tried to wrestle them.

"I appreciate your love for me..." He smiled brightly, turning my hands and twisting me around so that my back was against his chest.

"Syl..." He lips were dangerously close to my ear. "I don't like to be mistreated or touched without my permission." He twisted my arms further making me release a groan of pain.

Leaving my hand, he gave me a slight push and I stumbled forward. Just then my eyes caught the sight of his keys in the ignition of his car. I turned around and pushed him with all my strength, being caught off guard he slipped on the rubble and fell down. I seized this opportunity and clambered into his car.

One turn of the key and the car roared with power. Without paying heed to the screaming Alejandro, I drove the car into the first tree I could see, the glass shattered around me but the air bags covered my body before any damage could be caused.

The headlights of the car were flashing and the wipers were swiping on their own accord. The Ashton Martin was damaged and I had avenged my demon.

Beside my car stood an utterly shocked and stupefied guy, who earlier had the audacity to get even with me. Alejandro had the audacity to get even with Sylvia Maden. I got out of his car, I walked to him with my head held high. If it would've been possible one would've seen his jaw hitting the rugged forest floor.

Talk about even.

"Sweetheart, I believe in returning favours and so I returned yours." I batted my lashes at him. "And honey, Never underestimate the female species, we can go from ladies to devastators in one point five seconds." My hand pressed against his chest and I pushed him back to get him out of my way.

The welcoming scent of the leather covers invaded my senses. I was back inside my demon. Alejandro still stood outside, just staring at me, trying to unravel what he couldn't earlier.

"You know what, Syl?" He placed his hands on my car's roof and leaned down to look at me through the window. "The only thing that is going to fuck you better than me...is karma."

With his back turned towards me he walked away.


"Are you applying for the post of Student Body President?" Mother asked, looking at me through her thick rimmed glasses.

"I...I haven't thought of that as yet." I replied honestly, cutting the piece of steak with the fork and the knife.

"It's okay, if you don't want to apply."

I looked at her in shock, digesting the words that came out of her mouth.

"Mother..." She cut me before I could say anything.

"I've seen the way Janet's mother behaves with her. I know it is none of our business to talk about them, but I don't want my children to despise me for imposing my dreams on them."

The environment on the breakfast table seemed a little heavy today. I came back home around four in the morning and thankfully, everyone was asleep. Parking the car back in the garage soundlessly wasn't much of an issue either. I had decided to get my car repaired in the evening, today. 

"I don't feel like that. All parents have certain expectations from their children and you are no different. I, myself haven't thought what I would want to do and your suggestions would always help me out."

Mother smiled at me.

"You can always come to me to talk about your future. We can both sit and look for some options that meet your interests and aptitude." Mother suggested.

"Off course, mother."

Mine and mother's relationship has always been a formal one. She was already a university professor when I was born, whereas she was still in her free years when Ilian was conceived. I don't mind this formal sort of relationship. I know she loves me and somehow I've gotten used to all of it.

"Uh...Dad, can I go to the workshop today?" I asked Dad, when mother had gotten off the table.

"Why?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"Well, I have to do some repairs."

"Not today. Go after school on Monday. There'll be less customers on Monday."


Once back in my room, after the breakfast, my mind swirled with the thoughts of the guy I had met in the early hours of the day. There was no doubt that I hadn't seen him earlier but the fact that he knew Ilian was like a warning siren.

Both Eric and Alejandro talked about Ilian as if he was a regular at the dirt track. Perhaps he was. And that meant, the sneaking out he did in the middle of the nights weren't to meet his girlfriend, but they were for the dirt track racing.

An involuntary smirk came up on my face as I connected the dots. Ilian blackmailed me, but he was stupid enough to leave behind clues for his own doom.

Now, not only me and Alejandro were even.

Me and Ilian were even too.


How was this this chapter?


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