to the guy I saw earlier (Nov 13, 17)

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The first time I saw you
I loved you
Not because you're good looking
But because of the feeling I felt
When our eyes met
How your eyes landed on mine
And how you captured me with you eyes
How the time goes slow motion
As you walk towards me
That time
I was so redish
I thougth you were walking towards me
Because you smiled
You smiled at me
You were looking at me
You were smiling while walking
Walking in my path
But I thought wrong
You turned
You turned left
You turned were my cousin were
Yes, I know my cousin has a crush on you
And I know that you have a crush on her
But can you give me a chance
Is there a chance that you'll love me
Is there a chance that a guy like you
Will fall inlove with a nobody like me
But I know, in the very start that I will lose
You have so many similarities
But we have too much differences
Were like fire and rain
Day and night
Sun and moon
Positive and negative
You love volleyball, she loves it also
You play volleyball, she plays too
You love singing, she loves singing too
You're a music lover, and so is she
You like playing guitar, and she plays it too
But we? We dont have commons
We have differences
You too can be compared
And we? Can be contrased
You will float as I sink
You will fly as I dive
You will jump as I walk
Walk towards you
You will jump to her
You will jump away
Away from me
A nobody like me
To the guy I saw earlier
Thank you for the concept
That were made when I saw you
And I was just dreaming
Your eyes didntlandedon mine
It landed on hers
Yeah I knew
Cos she were standing right
Right behind me
A nobody like me

Isang Daang TulaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon