Chapter 23

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope everyone is enjoying so far, so without further ado... The new chapter!

After White had drifted off into sleep, N didn't know what to do. He had to stay with her, especially while she was asleep, since she could be attacked by an animal or some sorts on the tropical island. He was also afraid of leaving her because of her wound. For now, his sweater he had given to her was sopping up most of the blood from her injured arm, but he feared it might become infected and she would break out into a bad fever.

However, N knew that they also needed supplies. It had already been a while since they had eaten, and N was feeling terribly thirsty in the tropical heat. He knew White was probably feeling the same too. However, he didn't want to leave her alone. And so they were left there in the blazing sun, laying along the sands of the beach, waiting for Steven to hopefully return with supplies.

N lay there with White for a long time, keeping close monitor over her situation. However, he began to lose track of time as the sweltering heat began to make him dizzy and sick to his stomach. He found himself staring desperately into the jungle, hoping Steven would soon emerge with water and perhaps some yummy tropical fruits. He felt as if he was going to pass out any minute, and he knew that he and White wouldn't last too long in the horrible tropical heat. Although N could probably pick up White and take them to the shade in the jungle, he was afraid of going in the jungle in case of a wild animal attack, especially with an unconscious White. He hardly felt safe on the shoreline, even when the jungle was so far away. N hopes to himself that Steven was alright and was going to return with some much needed supplies.

His throat burned with thirst, and he didn't know how much longer he could stand the conditions. White didn't seem much better. Even in her sleep, her face was scrunched up in pain from her injury, and she seemed to be becoming sunburned already. Her cheeks were overly flushed and sweat was dripping down her forehead. In an attempt to soothe her conditions, N gently leans over her in hopes that his shadow might offer her some freedom from the sun's rays. He stays like that for a while, laying his head upon her chest. It was unbelievably comfortable to him, and a small grin works its way upon his face despite the horrible conditions he was in. Her chest was just like a soft pillow, and he found it hard to stay awake any longer. His dehydration was blurring his vision, and he could hardly even think straight anymore. Eventually, with the heat continuing to boil down upon him, he finds his conscious slipping away from him as he falls into a deep and fitful slumber, still clutching onto White's chest in an attempt for a little comfort in the awful heat.


N awakes with a horrible parched feeling throughout his entire body. His body felt sore and overheated, and his throat felt scratchy and painful. He slowly sits up with a groan, not knowing where he was. His vision was cloudy, and it took him a few moments for him to remember where he was. It appeared to be very early morning, with the sun just starting to rise. It also appeared that he was still in the middle of the sand between the jungle and shoreline. As his mind snaps awake fully, he quickly looks around for White. He is relieved to see that she was sleeping soundly only a few inches away from him, curled up in a ball in the sand. He worriedly leans over her sleeping form and presses a hand to her forehead, making sure she hadn't broke out in a fever from her possibly infected wound. A smile grows upon his face as her head feels a bit warm, but not unnaturally so. It would be very bad if her wound got infected, since they had no medical supplies, but luckily, that was not the case. Even so, he still felt horrible that she had to be put in such a situation.

He looks around himself further, noticing a very beat up looking Steven sleeping a few feet away from them. He looked awful. His silver hair was tangled and dirty, and he had various gashes that appeared to be from branches across his body. N looks around Steven, hoping to see that he had found supplies for them, but was incredibly crestfallen to see that it appeared Steven didn't bring anything back. He lets out a frustrated growl under his breath as he realizes that they probably wouldn't be finding anything edible any time soon. He wanted food and water. He needed it. And not to mention, White needed it even more.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now