Chapter 12

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Here's the next chapter, I hope you guys enjoy! Also, as a side note, I'm ordering a doujinshi about N and White! If you don't know what a doujinshi is, it's a fan made manga. Although it hasn't been translated yet and it's in Japanese, I am still excited. It's definitely going to be time consuming trying to to do Japanese to English stuff just to read it, but it's worth it!

The next morning, N and White were both curled up in their sleeping bags minding their own business and relaxing before they were going to keep traveling. Moving around all the time definitely was exhausting to both of them, and they wanted to take an hour or two just to relax in the little camp they had set up under the bridge.

Meanwhile, N's thoughts were consumed of White's journal. Although he had felt guilty for reading it the previous night without her permission, he wanted to make her wish come true. She had wrote in the journal that she really wanted to be carried princess style. N always felt like he owed White, since she was always so kind and helped him out constantly. She was the main reason he was able to realize that Pokemon and humans truly belonged together, and she was the only person to ever treat him like he mattered. He also wanted to see her cute expression when he carried her. He hoped she would smile or blush. He thought White had the most beautiful smile, but she was also very cute when she blushed.

However, N didn't quite know how to go about picking her up. It was definitely awkward, and it caused N to halt his progress. He ends up laying in his sleeping bag still, blushing as his heart beats faster with nervousness. He watches White with a conflicted look. He wanted to surprise her and make her happy, but he couldn't get his limbs to move out of nervousness.

What if she doesn't like if I hold her? What if she gets mad?

Currently, White was laying in her sleeping bag with her Pokedex, staring down at the screen as she scrolled through the various entries. A few moments later, she promptly powers off her Pokedex, stretching her arms in the air with a little sigh. "We should probably get going to the next city." She stands up from her sleeping bag, looking over to N to see what he was doing. She was a bit confused to see that his face was flushed and his expression seemed conflicted. "N, what's up?"

The element of surprise is probably the best... She said she had always wanted to be carried like a princess, so it should make her happy. I also want to see what it is like to hold her in my arms...

With his mind made up, N quickly gets up from his sleeping bag. He approaches White with a determined expression. He hopes that White will be happy to have one of her wishes come true. White gasps when N suddenly scoops her up in his arms bridal style with ease. Blood rushes to her cheeks at this action. "N, w-w what are you doing!"

Her body begins to slip from his grip a bit, and his hand slips from her waist and he nearly drops her. He has to grip the next thing he can, which happened to be her butt. She gasps as he gropes her bottom suddenly. Their gazes meet as they both blush again. Although N was pretty lackluster in street knowledge, he knew you definitely couldn't go around touching people's bottoms. He quickly slips his hand back up to her waist. N studies her expression, confused. She seemed angry yet happy at the same time, perhaps the word to describe her face would be flustered?

"I thought you wanted to be carried princess style?" N murmurs to her, sad by her seemingly angry response.

"I have always wanted to be carried like a princess... I was just surprised at how sudden it was. But wait... How did you know I wanted to?" She glares up at him, suspicions forming in her mind. She had definitely noticed in the morning that her journal was not in the same exact place that she had left it from the previous night.

N avoids her gaze awkwardly, but could still feel her staring daggers at him. He didn't want to lie, but he also didn't want her to be angry at him. His heart sinks as he realizes he shouldn't have mentioned that he knew she wanted to be carried.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now