Chapter 11

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. Thanks for the comments so far, they mean a lot to me! I always get a big grin when I read them. Anyways, please enjoy the new chapter!

I swear I'll save you, Dialga.

N tosses out his Zoroark as the plasma grunt sends out his Krookodile. The two began to fight, and White was left to watch. She hated this feeling of being unable to do anything without her Pokemon. She regretted leaving them in the PC for her vacation and promised herself that she would take them out once they got out of this mess.

She scans her surroundings, wondering how she can help. The plasma machine seemed to be drawing energy from the legendary pokemon Dialga.

If I can just shut off that machine, I can free Dialga! I don't see pokeballs on any of the other grunts... Maybe I can shut off the machine without them harassing me with their pokemon? They'll probably tackle me down, though... But I think I can see the power switch from here. If I can just quickly turn it off, Dialga should have time to escape. If only N could help me with this... But I know he will have to finish the battle with the grunt which will take a little while.

White stares deeply at where team plasma was working on their machine. They weren't paying attention to her, they thought she was useless. White was about to prove them wrong. She sprints across the temple, and the grunts at the machine notice. They aren't sure exactly what she was doing, and they start shouting at each other to stop her. Two grunts dive at her, trying to grab her. She narrowly dodges, and both grunts end up diving straight for the floor. She grins as she approaches the plasma machine, and there was a female grunt there waiting to stop her. White shoves her away, sending her falling to the ground. She quickly switches the power off on the machine, causing the yellow beam of light to cease, freeing Dialga.

"Plasma bastards." White whispers under her breath with a triumphant smirk.

Dialga roars, now being free from its restraints. It angrily opens its mouth, sending an intimidating dragon pulse in the direction of the plasma grunts. They narrowly dodge the pulse, screaming and running down the mountain with their tails between their legs. "Plasma retreat!" One of them shrieks as they all sprint down the mountain.

The grunt fighting N had just recalled his final pokemon after losing. He hisses in frustration. "No way in hell am I retreating! Ghetsis will have my head if he knows we failed again. He begins to desperately sprint back towards the plasma machine with the pointless hope of starting it back up again. N recalls his pokemon, then runs after the grunt and roughly grabs his wrist. "Stop! You've lost, so retreat! Why do you have to hurt innocent-"

His sentence is cut short as the angered grunt has suddenly pulled out a small knife, slicing up N's arm harshly. "You stay the hell out of my way." The grunt growls furiously, raking the weapon up a little farther up N's arm to prove his point. N falls to his knees in pain, whimpering as he holds his profusely bleeding upper arm. White screams for N, rushing to his side as Dialga roars, upset that its rescuers have been harmed. It sends out another dragon pulse, this time aiming for the plasma machine. The machine explodes and crumbles upon impact. The grunt swears under his breath, and takes a run for it, knowing that he had no chance of trying to draw power from Dialga without the plasma machine.

White wanted to chase after the grunt and give him a piece of her mind, but she was much more worried about N. He was currently on his knees, holding his wound on his upper arm. "N, are you okay?" She demands. N whimpers under his breath, the burning in his arm very hard to ignore. "It hurts a lot... But I'm okay..." He tries to stop his tears from flowing out, but a few escape from his blue eyes, rolling down his cheeks silently.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon