Chapter 22

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Hey guys, I'm back! The updates have been slowing down recently, and I'm sorry about that. School has been taking up a lot of my time and I haven't had enough energy to update lately. Anyways, thanks for the reviews so far! I don't know if I would have the motivation to write much without them.

"At the last moment, jump into the water and then swim towards the island. That's our only chance." White explains, her voice trembling in fear. The helicopter was descending fast, they probably only had 15 seconds before it would make contact with the water. They should theoretically be able to survive, as long as they timed their jump so that the impact from the water wasn't too much. But what wasn't including any possibly casualties that could happen, like the very good possibility that the failing engine that was on the fire would cause the helicopter to explode.

"Get ready to jump!" White shouts, getting on all fours in preparation to leap into the water at the last possible moment. The whole experience was incredibly terrifying, and she was beginning to feel the burning heat of the spreading fire on the helicopter. The fire was quickly advancing towards them, and it was only a few feet away.

The water grows closer as the last few seconds approach, and White screams for Steven and N to jump as she leaps out of the side of the helicopter, soaring down towards the water. It seemed to be around a 75 feet drop into the water, but she wasn't sure. She might have waited longer so that the drop wouldn't have been so high, but she didn't want to risk the helicopter exploding with them all inside it. The air whips harshly against her face as she swiftly descends through the air, plummeting towards the ocean.

As she was about to hit the water, she hears an incredibly loud explosion. It was most likely the helicopter that blown up, and she was thankful they had all jumped when they did, or they would all be dead. She closes her eyes as she is about to hit the ocean, bracing herself for the impact.

Her body plunges into the ocean, and she screams at the impact. Jumping from that height into water was definitely horrible, since the velocity generated from the fall made it feel like the water was crushing her bones. Although she hurt terribly, she was still alive, and she knew N and Steven would be too. Although the strong waves of the ocean was pulling her around, she knew what direction the island was in. As she paddles through the water, she hears various things falling into the water nearby. She wasn't quite sure what they were, since the big ocean waves kept rising up and blocking her vision. There were too many impacts on the water for it to be Steven and N. They should have landed in the water the same time she did.

Her mind finally realized it. Broken pieces of the helicopter were raining from the sky from the explosion. That was definitely bad news for her. If a heavy enough piece of the metal on the helicopter hit her, she would be out of luck.

She hopes to herself that none of them would be hit from the falling pieces of the helicopter and continues onwards towards the island. Although the island hadn't seemed far while they were in the helicopter, it felt like forever now that she was trying to reach it while fighting the strong ocean currents.

Suddenly, White hears something whiz past her ears, and strong pointy metal abruptly slices against her arm. The pain pulses hot and strong throughout her arm like nothing she'd felt before as she shrieks in agony, blood quickly rushing out of the wound and into the ocean water, turning the area around her red. The piece of the broken helicopter had fallen directly onto her arm with lots of momentum, and it had cut incredibly deep. Within moments, the blood loss and pain makes her incredibly dizzy, and she finds the ocean waves harder to fight by the moment. Tears quickly rush down her face from the extent of the stabbing pain from her wounded arm. Her muscles begin to grow weak, and her fading mind begins to give up a little as her conscious begins to slip away from her.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now