Chapter 6

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope I'm not rushing their relationship too much, haha. Anyways, enjoy!

White shoves the complimentary vibrator into her bag, away from N's curious and way too innocent hands. "Don't worry about it..." Her cheeks burn as she wondered what exactly she was going to do with this free gift that the hotel had so graciously provided...

N tilts his head to the side, very confused at what she had stowed away in her bag. His curiosity blazes, but he doesn't want to annoy White. He takes a step farther into the love hotel, closing the door behind him. Both he and White gasp as they take in more of their surroundings.

The hotel was rather small, but very vibrantly decorated with pink furniture everywhere. What really stood out though, was the fact that the shower was in the corner of the room. It wasn't behind any closed doors, it was just out in the open for anyone in the room to see.

What kind of kinky crap is this? I know it's a couple's themed hotel room, but give some privacy! White fumes to herself, mortified at the thought of having to shower while in N's presence. She had really wanted to shower, and she definitely needed privacy to do that. On further speculation of the hotel room, she was pleased to find that the toilet was in a normal bathroom behind a door like it should be.

It didn't take White too long to find a massive cage that could fit a person in the other corner of the room next to the bed. The cage was attached to the wall, and the bars were a bright pink color to match the room. She wondered why the cage was there, but it didn't take her too long to make assumptions.

Kinky bastards... White thinks.

N was also checking out the love hotel room, looking at everything with wide eyes. He heads over to the other corner of the room where the shower was set up. He furrows his eyebrows together, confused. "White, why is this shower not in the bathroom? What's the point of the shower if everyone can see you?"

He didn't seem embarrassed at all, and White envied that. She felt incredibly awkward right now.

White didn't really want to explain the love hotel situation to N, since she didn't exactly know how far his knowledge of intimacy went. She knew he had been isolated for a while and she had noticed he had a lack of common knowledge in many subjects. She didn't want to bring up the love hotel because it could possibly open up a whole other can of worms for awkward and strange discussions.

"Yea, it really is a weird hotel." White says as she climbs into the pink cage to investigate. Sitting inside the cage, she felt like a gigantic bird. N sees her sitting in the cage. He raises one eyebrow, a little smile making its way onto his face. He was intrigued and amused by this development of White seeming to lock herself up. N ambles towards White and the cage, and she looks up at him in confusion behind the bars. Feeling playful with a mischievous grin across his face, he gently closes the cage door.

"Hey, N!" White exclaims, not believing he had just done that. "Let me out!" She furiously shakes the pink bars of the cage, the metal rattling violently. Although she was amazed he had locked her up, she couldn't help but be a bit amused at the situation as well when N started chuckling.

"Now you see what it feels like to be a Pokemon stuck in your ball all the time."

White lets out a little humph, crossing her arms. She definitely didn't want to have this discussion right now, even though she knew N was just playing around. He comes forward and unhinges the cage door, freeing White.

She crawls out of the pink cage, standing up again with a little sigh. She honestly didn't know what to do now. Quite honestly, she felt gross from walking around the city and she wanted to shower. However, the love hotel design definitely was making that hard for her. Instead of bringing up the dilemma, she stayed silent, standing in the middle of the room and shuffling her feet.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now