Chapter 10

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I have some bad news... I won't be able to update quite as often because my summer break is ending and school consumes a lot of my time. I will still try to update as much as I can, so please understand! I'll try for 3 times a week to update, but hopefully no less than once a week if I get super busy with stuff at times.

White slowly slips out of her sleeping state when she slowly becomes aware that something warm and heavy was obstructing her ribs as she lays in her sleeping bag. She gasps out a little air, opening her blue eyes to see what was constricting her. It was early morning, and the sun had barely risen. The first thing her eyes focus upon is a mass of tea green hair which blocked out most of her vision. She cranes her neck upwards, wondering what was on her. She finds that N and her must have changed positions in their sleep, since he was now hugging her like a teddy bear with his sleeping face nuzzled into her chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around her midsection.

Her face warms up as her eyes widen. He was hugging her like a doll. Had he mistaken her for the Zorua doll she had bought him?

I'm not a Zorua doll, oh my god!

Although White had to admit that being in this position was embarrassing and a bit exciting, it hurt her ribs a little. She attempts to pry off his strong grip, but it was useless. He was obviously much stronger than her, even in his sleeping state. White found this fact a bit embarrassing but also frustrating. She pulls at his arms again, at least hoping he would wake up. When that doesn't work, she tries to move his head off her breasts, since she found that part the most embarrassing. His head would barely even budge.

Finally, White gets fed up. With her cheeks flushed, she loudly proclaims, "N, I'm not a Zorua doll!"

Her loud voice next to his head causes N to rouse out of his dream. His cloudy blue eyes slowly open, and the first thing he sees is White's blushing face. "I'm not a Zorua doll." She repeats in exasperation, but giggles as she sees N's very confused expression. He realizes after a few moments that he had been clinging onto White, and abruptly pulls away with blush creeping onto his cheeks.

I dreamed I was hugging White... I never knew I was actually doing it in reality as well....

Meanwhile, White has lifted up her black shirt up slightly so she could inspect the area on her midsection where he had been holding on so tightly during his sleep. N wonders what she is doing, and watches in wonder. Various pink marks the size of his fingers were displayed across her midsection. Guilt consumes him as he realizes that he had held onto White too tightly in his sleep and had caused her pain. He doesn't know what to do. He wants to make it better. He wanted to erase the pain he had caused her.

"White... I'm sorry... Are you alright?" N's blue eyes are extremely concerned for her.

White grins. "Don't be so worried, it hardly hurts. Don't be sorry, I'm fine." Although she was trying to reassure him that these little pink marks that would likely fade in an hour were nothing to worry about, N didn't seem to be calming down.

N suddenly leans over, pushing her down gently and begins to lightly kiss each pink mark on her midsection that he had caused. White gasps, his lips upon her midsection causing her stomach to fill with butterflies. Her heart beat faster, knowing N was on top of her. It made her nervous and excited at the same time. Somewhere in her mind she knew she should stop him, but she couldn't form any words.

He kisses another pink mark as White whimpers, "N, what are you doing?"

He kisses another one and then responds. "Your kiss upon my cheek made me so happy, and I thought kissing these marks would make you happier and make the pain disappear." His lips graze another little pink spot as she finds herself gasping again. The feeling was so intense for some reason, and she found that she liked it a lot.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang