Chapter 8

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Hey guys, I'm back! You'll never guess what I bought... I got an N body pillow! Haha, it's awesome! I hug it every night hehe. I also thought I'd share this little fact. Whenever I write this story, I listen to the original soundtrack from Black and White. I know I'm weird, haha. Anyways enjoy, and sorry for the little delay with this chapter, I was on vacation.

As White and N head off towards the next route hand in hand, N feels an abrupt wave of dizziness washing over him. He stumbles, tugging her hand a bit in the process, causing White to swiftly look behind her. She sees his woozy expression and instantly becomes very concerned. "N, are you okay?" She demands, grabbing tighter onto his hand to make sure he doesn't fall. N blushes, feeling embarrassed and yet a bit happy at how worried she was for him. She wraps her arms lightly around his shoulders to steady him as he continues to wobble a bit more.

His vision was blurry and he tries to focus, the dizziness gradually fading. He smiles down at White, feeling a bit ashamed that she had to hold him up just to make sure he didn't suddenly tip over. "I'm okay, thank you, White. I just felt a bit dizzy for a moment there..."

She clicks her tongue. "Have you not been drinking enough water? Have you been making sure to take care of yourself? It's so hot around here, yet you're wearing a sweater and long pants!" She shakes her head back and forth and takes out her bag, fishing out a bottle of water. She hands over the bottle to N.

He gulps, the water seeming amazing to him right now. He had to admit, he hadn't been taking care of himself too much ever since he had followed White. He was too concerned about her to worry about anything else, and the little snacks he had eaten on the way definitely hadn't quenched his thirst. But, he hesitates. "White... I thought two people aren't supposed to drink out of the same beverage?" He had learned this from Anthea and Concordia. Although he didn't object to drinking from the same beverage as her, he wanted to make sure she was truly comfortable with it.

N seemed so serious over just a bottle of water, and White found it amusing and a bit cute. "Don't worry about it, N. You're my friend, so as long as we both think it's okay, you can drink out of it if you want!" She pushes the bottle into his hands, inviting him to quench his thirst. She smiles brightly.

Untwisting the cap, N realizes how thirsty he is as he downs half the water bottle in a few huge gulps. The cold water rushes down his throat, and he feels revitalized. He screws the cap back on and hands it back to White. He did feel a lot better, but he still felt a bit feverish.

I don't want to worry White anymore, I hope this feeling will go away soon. I'll leave it for now.

She tucks the bottle back in her bag and cheerfully takes N's hand again. "Well now that's over with, let's get going!"

Trekking through the route north of the city was pretty easy, it was a small route. White and N were relieved to find that a cave was in the distance. They wanted a shelter from the extremely hot and blazing sun, and a cave seemed like a perfect solution.

"N, look! There's the cave that leads to the next route. It looks pretty dark though, we're gonna have to feel our way around just to get through."

They sprint towards the cave together, craving the sweet release of shade from the sun. N steps into the cave first, gasping at how incredibly dark it was inside. The mouth of the cave barely fit a person, and when you entered it almost felt like you were entering a different world. The light from outside barely made any progress inside the cave, and only a few inches around the entrance of the cave was illuminated. Everything else was pitch black dark.

Although N hated to admit it, he was a bit unnerved by complete darkness. It always made him nervous that he couldn't see what was around him or what he was doing. Seeing complete darkness like this reminded him of when Ghetsis would lock him in the dark closet at the castle when he misbehaved. Ghetsis had figured out N was afraid of the dark, and had turned locking him into the pitch black room as one of his forms as punishment. The memories of being stuck in the dark closet for hours sent a shiver up N's spine, but he hoped having White at his side would help keep him sane.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now