Chapter 13

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Mamihlapinatapai (n.)
A look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither wants to begin.

)A look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither wants to begin

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Chapter 13

You wrapped your heart with a cloth and then you keep it in a box or a chest. You hide it from everyone else to keep it safe. Always safe.
Because we are told that our hearts is a fragile thing, something that it easily break, something that it must be treasured or hide in a fortress.
But did you know, that there's a reason about our hearts being so soft and easily scarred?
We are always scared about being broken and bruised but that's love is. It's the risk you take, it's the fool you are willing to play, and it's the love that does not hesitate to give. It does not stop to think about what it deserves because love lays down all its rights.
At some point, we will find the real danger is staying safe in the first place. It's because only the vulnerable heart can love rightly.

Lisa wake up from a nightmare. Cold sweats formed at her forehead and neck as she sat up and checked the time at the alarm clock on Taehyung's bed side table. 5:03 am.

She was still catching her breath as she clutched her chest with her right hand to calm her heart beating rapidly.

She had that dream again and it scared the heck out of her! She anxiously went to Taehyung's bathroom where she left her black glittery pouch there. She rummaged the things inside of it until she found what she's been looking for.

She dip her index finger to the white dust and put it in her mouth. She breathe in as she tried to calm herself once again from the developing fear inside of her.

She stared at her reflection on the mirror for god knows how long as she started giggling without any reason until it became a hysterical laughters.
Only Lisa knows on what's going on inside her mind.

She still keep laughing as she went inside the shower room and opened the faucet of the bathtub. She sat in the tub as she wait for the running water to completely fill the tub. Her shoulders still shaking from her muffled laughters as she unknowingly scratched her wrist with her long finger nails, living a red mark to her pale skin.

What's her name again? Oh right, Lily.

She scratched and scratched until her wrist got bruised and it started to bleed. Amusement filled her eyes as the clear water, slowly turning into a pinkish red.

"Oh? I love white but now I'm doubting. Red looks pretty too."
She mumbled to herself as she look at Taehyung's white shirt turning into a different color.

"I like red."
She smiled as she laughed for the last time. Lisa pulled her head up closing her eyes and started to drown herself.

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