Naked Cuddling

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I roll over to the sound of my phone buzzing. I look at it on my bed and turn over on my back staring at the ceiling. I could answer it. I could speak to the person on the other end. I could do a lot of things, but answering that phone was one I did not feel like doing at the time being. Plus I was sure it was Breasha and I can't handle speaking with her right now after all that happened yesterday and how I'm feelin bout things lately. I don't want to hurt her feelings but at this point it's seeming as if I am going to. The vibes in the room between Daisy and I were undeniable. I can't lie about that. It took all of me to not act of my feelings as it is, and now she's confirmed the feelings are mutual? This don't look too good for me and Bree. I sigh shaking head still staring. What am I going to do? I can't ignore Bree forever and I can't keep pushing Daisy away also without hurting either one of their feelings..decisions man. I lean up thinking if I really had anything to do. I thought about getting my mom a gift and just leaving it at the door than leaving. That was the best I could do at this point. I wasn't willing to go inside or have any real conversation. As I get myself ready I wonder what I'm going to get her. Does the woman I use to know still love turtle chocolates? Does the woman I use to know still love The Little Mermaid ? Does the woman I use to know love and occasionally shed a tear over the book, The Giving Tree? Is the woman I use to know even there anymore? By the time I'm done pondering the questions that keep me up late at night in my thoughts and in my feelings I'm sliding on my black Timberlands and standing up to fix my belt. I take a last glance in the mirror before remembering I forgot my diamond studs and cologne. I run back into the bathroom putting on both. I grab my wallet and then finally take a look at my phone. As already assumed I had miscalls and text from Leo, Donia, my mom, and Steph but surprisingly there was one miss call and text from Bree. I'm shocked. I honestly thought she was going to blow up my shit..but she didn't. That's different. Maybe she got the message that she was choosing the wrong day. I decide to text her back first.

"hey. i know im hella late but i just want you to know yeah yesterday was not a good day and also yes i am feeling a bit better today but you probably wanna talk." I press send and sigh. I really don't know how to tell her I'm feeling someone else without hurting her but..I guess I gotta take that risk. It's better breaking up with her than breaking her right? Within a couple mins of waiting I get a text back.

"Look Angel..I'm not dumb...I could tell I made you feel really uncomfortable at school. I can tell I was being too much and maybe over-bearing but it's just..idk i panic sometimes. It's like some anxiety type shit." Her text reads. Damn..I don't know...maybe she do understand. I reply back to her giving her the benefit of the doubt,

"damn..i didn't even know all that was going on in your head. seems like we both got some shit going on. maybe we can find some time to talk about this? if you kool for it."

"Yeah baby I'm down for it. When a good time for you?" She texts back within seconds as I walk out the door speeding down the stairs silently hoping I don't run into Daisy. I needed to focus at one thing at a time. I'm not trynna get caught up.

"i got somethings to do today but once they done does 5 sound good to you? we could even catch something to eat. pommes?" I text back walking out the building and hauling down a cab before getting in. I tell him to me any mall of his choosing.

"Pommes? Lol what is that? But yeah, i'm down for that. Meeting at your house or mine?" She sends back and as I read the last part it dawns on me I've never thought about her house let alone meeting her family or parents for that matter. This could be interesting and not in the good way. But I been making her always come to I guess it's time to face some fears.

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