Final Chapter

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Taylor's POV

Karlie’s bike came to a stop outside the tattoo shop. Riding a Chopper in a tube top was an experience.

“Next time no tube top,” I said after I took off my helmet.

“Mmm, topless,” Karlie chuckled with a wistful smile.

“In your dreams, Kloss,” I laughed.

“Oh, I’ll be dreaming about it.” Karlie took off her helmet and took my hand so we could walk in together.

“Now the boat is another story,” I winked.

“Maybe once this tattoo is healed we can go out. I’d like to have you naked,” she told me, holding my hand as she wrapped her arm around me, crossing my arm over my chest.

“When wouldn’t you like to have me naked?” I laughed.

“True.” Karlie opened the door for us.

I knew the tattoo was going to take a lot longer than the other one. It was much bigger and there was a lot more detail to it. Rene was waiting for us at the counter when we walked in.

“Karlie, Taylor, glad to see you again,” he greeted.

“You too, Rene,” I replied.

“She’s been hiding this from me,” Karlie chuckled. “I’ve been anxious as hell to see it.”

“I bet you have,” he said. “Can I show her?”

“Yeah, she’s waited long enough,” I answered. Karlie had been pretty good about it too. Rene produced the drawing he’d done and he had even colorized it so we would have an idea of the finished product. The blackberries were deep purple while the blossoms were more of a lilac color. At my request Rene had Karlie’s initials to the design.

Karlie studied it for a full minute before she quietly told me, “You know blackberries are Josie’s favorite berry?” When she looked up from the page I could see the emotion in her eyes.

“They are?” I had no idea. I just knew they were pretty and they were an integral part of the blackberry grilled cheese the café made.

“They are. This is beautiful, babe,” she smiled. “Rene, you’re amazing.”

“It was all Taylor’s idea,” Rene told her.

“I’m glad you like it. The initials are okay?” I didn’t know if she had noticed that or not.

“I’m surprised, to be honest. But yes, they’re okay. If I’d known I would’ve asked to get something for you.”

“Don’t worry about it, babe.”

“I’m sure we can work something out. Taylor, write your initials for me,” Rene said, passing me an ultra-fine Sharpie and a piece of paper.

I took the marker from him and wrote my initials in neat cursive.

“Can you fit that in here?” Karlie pointed to the mostly bare spot on her inner wrist not too far from her Josie tattoo.

“I think so,” Rene agreed.

“Karlie, you don’t have to,” I insisted.

“I know. I want to. It was going to happen eventually,” she shrugged. “This way I’ll have my two favorite girls right here.”

I tilted my head up to kiss her.

“No, no, don’t start that,” Rene warned. “We have work to do.”

“I’ll be good,” Karlie promised as she pulled away.

We followed Rene back to his room. Unlike the first time I had come to the shop, I wasn’t nervous. Excited, yes, but not nervous. Then again I wasn’t the same girl I was the first time. I was finally comfortable in my own skin and Karlie had a lot to do with that.

California wasn’t home.

Karlie was.


I hope everyone is enjoying Reputation. In 1989 she was singing about how to get girls and then she got herself one, so now she's singing about how gorgeous her face and how she bought the dress so "that person" could take it off . Call it what you want but I think it's all gay af!

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