Chapter 6

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Karlie's POV

The restaurant was busy, as usual on a late Wednesday morning. I was short a dishwasher and my manager Aude was getting on my nerves. She was a great manager but I was too tired to deal with her annoying laugh. And she kept laughing. It wasn't usually a big deal but I was tired as fuck from the night before. I didn't drink a lot at Cara's, but it was enough to make waking up harder than normal. The worst part was I had to pick up Josie after work. I loved seeing my princess, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I was going to want to nap though.

I was at the stove putting togethis a crème brulee French toast plate when Aude came to the back, where she wasn't allowed when we were open. The last thing I needed was for her to slip and fall or get burned.

"What can I do for you Aude?" I knew she wanted something. She had that look on her face.

"You have a visitor," she told me. "Kendall is here."

Which meant Taylor was probably with her... I didn't need to think about that. Taylor wasn't into me.

"Is she here to eat?" I asked.

"Looks like it. She's looking at a menu and has two glasses of water in front of her, but she's alone."

"Okay. Did she tell you to tell me she's here?" From what I'd been told Aude had a crush on me. I wasn't so sure.

"I just thought I'd tell you. Is her meal going to be comped again?"

"Isn't it always?" Kendall and Cara didn't come into the cafe often; it wasn't a big deal to comp meals for my best friend and her wife. "Whose section is she in?"

"Arlene's," Aude answered. They would be in good hands with Arlene.

"Thanks, Aude," I said, shooing her out of the kitchen. I finished plating the French toast before I got back to work on the next order. It took a few minutes... more like twenty before I was done. We had a new order up but I left it to Charles, telling her I'd be back in a few minutes.

By the time I walked out of the kitchen it looked like Taylor had shown up as well. The girls had coffee in front of them. Kendall looked concerned while Taylor looked like she was close to tears. Uh oh.

"Uh, am I interrupting?" I asked as I approached and pulled a chair out to take a seat. My feet were tired.

Taylor shook her head and sipped her coffee.

"Mama drama," Kendall supplied.

I nodded. I'd had my own issues with my mom but nothing near as bad as what Taylor was probably going through. Instead of commenting on it I asked, "Have you girls ordered? Is Arlene treating you well?"

"Yep. She just walked away." I nodded again.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Taylor.

"Been better," she answered. I noticed thise was a bruise forming on the right side of her face.

I started to reach out to touch it, but quickly pulled my hand back. "Um, what happened to your face?" She didn't have that bruise when she passed out the night before.

"Hangover and a lack of coordination," she replied.

"Been there," I chuckled. "I once stepped on a Lego, hopped around on one foot, which is a sight at this height, and then tripped over the end table. I broke the table, my toe, and had a puncture from the Lego. I also got a knot on my head from the wall when I hit it."

"So you hit the jackpot too," Taylor said. The corner of her mouth lifted just a fraction of an inch. She was still cute even with a swollen jaw.

"You have no idea. I had a four-year-old giggling like a loon as she watched the whole thing transpire. I didn't talk to Cara for a month after that since she's the one that got her the Legos." It was my fault for not paying attention. I still blamed her.

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