Chapter 25

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Karlie's POV

“You home!” I called out when I walked into the Delevingne homestead. I knew Taylor was out shopping with Kendall and the door was unlocked so I assumed Cara was somewhere in their big ass house.

“Kitchen! Kendall demanded I make chili!” she yelled in response.

“I need your help,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. “I can make that if you want.”

“She doesn’t want your pansy ass chili,” she said.

“Are you on a vital part of the cooking process? I have something in the truck I need your help with.” I knew the bet about the TV was if I went home with Taylor that night three months prior, but I also knew Delevingne hadn’t gotten it yet. She was eighty percent done with my Chopper so I decided to buy the TV she wanted for her.

“Doing the prep stuff,” she said. Cara moved to the sink and washed her hands. “What’s in the truck you couldn’t move yourself? I know you’re stronger than you look.”

I flipped her off and said, “You have to come see it, shitstain.”

“How I’ve missed your pet names, boo boo.” It was odd hearing that come out in such a gravelly voice.

I shook my head and turned to head out to the truck with Cara right behind me. The small gasp I heard come from her told me when she saw the TV.

“We made a bet,” I reminded her as we approached.

“I vaguely recall that,” she said. “So you finally tapped it huh? Took you long enough.”

“She had a man and unlike my ex’s woman, I’m not a homewrecker.”

“True that,” she nodded. “Well, that’ll look good in baby’s room.”

“What baby?” Was Kendall pregnant?

“The one my wife and your fuck buddy are out shopping for, fool.”

“Congratulations, man,” I smiled, clapping her on the back. “And she’s more than a fuck buddy. She even met Jourdan last Wednesday.”

“No shit? For real? And she survived?” she was clearly impressed and surprised. “Oh the man hater wasn’t there was she? Maybe she was finally getting her dick surgery.”

“Huh, could be,” I chuckled. “I’m sure Jourdan didn’t want her to try to start a dick measuring contest.”

“Woulda been embarrassing when she won,” she snorted.

“Fuck you, now I’m taking the TV back,” I snickered.

“It’s not my fault.” Fucker wiggled her pinky finger.

I knew what I was working with. I wasn’t ashamed.

“Come on, let’s take this in,” I said as I unhooked the tie holding the TV to the truck.

“You know I’m tempted to say this isn’t necessary but I’m not turning down a new TV. Ken might punch me though. She said I have too many gadgets. Clearly that was her uterus talking.”

“You’ve served your purpose, it’s not like it will be a bad thing,” I shrugged. I hopped up into the bed of the truck to push it toward the end. “But if you don’t want it I can put it in Jo’s room.”

“We’ll see if the wife lets me keep it. I’ve learned recently to pick my battles with her. She’s become… erratic.” Cara lifted one end of the TV box.

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