Chapter Four

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One week. That’s how long it took Misty to finally break down and give in to her urge to see J.D. again. Of course, she didn’t admit to herself that’s what she was doing. Instead, she told herself she was just in the mood for some coffee and maybe a slice of pie. It was a lie. She knew it, but that didn’t stop her from getting dressed in her tightest jeans and lowest cut top. Nor did it stop her from brushing her hair until it gleamed.

A different hostess was on duty for the night shift, but she gave a knowing smile when Misty asked if J.D. was working that night.

“Yeah, he is, but his section’s full.”

“That’s okay,” Misty said, suddenly wondering why she’d come. “You can just seat me anywhere.”

“You know, if you’re looking for some time alone with him, you could buy a raffle ticket. There’s still time.”

“I don’t think so,” Misty said, trying to fight off the blush she felt in her cheeks.

The bright eyed hostess looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Are you sure?”

“Oh, all right,” Misty finally gave in.

Again, she told herself another lie. She told herself she was only buying the ticket to get the pushy hostess off her back, but she knew better.

“Great,” the hostess said, beaming at her. “Are you ready to be seated?”

The only thing she wanted was to get out of there, but she was afraid of what that would look like. She was grateful when the hostess led her to a table in the corner of the restaurant, where she was sure to stay out from under J.D.’s radar.

There was no need for a menu. Misty knew what she wanted. Seeing her closed menu, the waitress immediately came to take her order and returned with it just as quickly. Only two sips in to her plain black coffee she spotted him. The moment she did, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Though he wore a pair of loose fitting carpenter jeans, they didn’t detract from the perfection of his slim hips and muscled legs and thighs. The sleeves of his white T-shirt had been rolled slightly to reveal his ropy, bronzed arms. As she nursed her coffee, she watched him in fascination. There was no question of his confidence as he moved from one table to the next, expertly flirting with old women and young girls alike.

In that moment it occurred to her how foolish she was being. Just like a teenager with a crush, she’d chased this man down at his place of business just to be near him. She wondered what he’d say when he realized what she’d done. Well, there was no way she was going to let him find out. As soon as her waitress flitted by Misty asked for the bill. It was then that she realized J.D. had spotted her. Even as far away as she was, Misty could see the recognition in his eyes. Without waiting for the waitress to return, she dropped a five dollar bill on the table and slipped out the side door. The safety of her car was only a few feet away when she heard him calling her name, and she had no choice but to turn and face him.

“Oh, hi,” Misty said, trying to sound casual. 

 “Why are you running away from me?” J.D. asked.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Misty lied, and surely J.D. knew it was a lie as he watched her cheeks flush with heat.

“Yes, you do.”

“I wasn’t running away from you,” Misty forced herself to laugh. “I was just here for coffee which I finished, and now I’m going home.”

Finally, J.D. grinned at her. “You came here for coffee?”

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