Before I could say anything the teacher came in and told us to be quiet.

*Time skip*

I was ready to walk outside to meet my siblings when Bret approaches me, holding her head down.

"Alice..." She said, in an almost inaudible whisper.

"Yes?" I asked, keeping my tone flat.

"Can we talk?" She asked, seeming to get smaller then she already was.


"Not here." She said, looking at all the others getting ready to head home.

I followed her outside, away from all the people and noise.

"I need to tell you something..." She trailed off, "about yesterday."

"YES! I was finally going to get some answers." I cheered in my head, but, of course, nothing goes my way.

"Alice! Come on we have to leave!" I heard Jake calling.

I looked back at Bret and she looked like she wanted to cry but was holding back the tears.

"It sounds like you need to go." She mumbled, already taking a few steps back.

I wanted to stay and hear what she had to say but my siblings were right, I had to go. I was about to walk away from Bret when my body took over and I went over and hugged her.

"We can talk later." I assured her, squeezing a bit tighter.

She hugged me back, and my heart started to pound. "Ok."

I let go, looking her over, before nodding one final time. 

*Time skip*

"Ok, the lycans have been coming deeper and deeper into our territory, yesterday there was a fight. So, go out get your food and come straight back, no wondering off. And if they get to you, run, run as fast as you can." Our dad commanded, pacing back and forth like he was a drill sergeant.

"Ok, dad" We all said in unison, like we always did, even saluting as a joke.

*Time skip*

I had gotten 2 deer and drank all their blood. I was heading back to the house, feeling satisfied and full.

I was about 10 minutes walk from the house when I heard a low growl sound out around me. I shot my head up in alarm, and saw 3 giant lycans coming towards me. I could feel my senses go haywire and adrenaline course through my body.

"OH, CRAP!" I screamed in my head. I turned and started running as fast as I could as they chased after me. Lycans were about as fast as vampires so they kept pace.

I was about to run into the river when, hoping they would loose the scent trail, when an ear piercing yelp rang out. It was quickly followed by chest rattling growls and whines.

I slowed to a stop and turned back. The three wolves were still running at me, I was about to turn and run again, when they veered off to the right. I saw all of them had deep cuts and bites, with blood running every where.

I could feel my body start to go into overdrive again, whatever was out there was huge, and strong. I started running straight to the house not even looking around. I burst out of the woods and almost plowed into Vickie.

"Why are you late?!" She yelled out, gripping my shoulders.

"I ran into some lycans." I huffed out.

"Where are they?" She yelped, eyes shooting up to the trees.

"They left." I managed to get out before sucking in a huge breath.

I then saw Jake stiffen, his eyes dilated as his muscles bunched before he charged at the trees. A yelp rang out and branches snapped behind them.

He came rolling out of the trees with his hands locked around a giant, black wolf's neck. The wolf was mostly just trying to push Jake off not attack. It wasn't even using it's claws when kicking him. They rolled all the way to the middle of the yard, everyone knew not to get in the middle of a lycan vs vampire fight, it would just get you or them hurt.

Eventually the wolf started to change back, it's body snapping and shirking in Jake's grasp. When the wolf fully changed back, Jake reared his hand back to hit it in the face, but he froze.

His eyes instantly widened in confused horror as he stumbled back. The person scrambled up and went to run into the woods when Seth ran towards them. He quickly kicked their knees forward as he wrapped his arms around theirs, holding them in place, and pushed their head down.

We all looked in horror and confusion at the person our father was holding down.


{The lycans/wolves keep there clothes on, I don't know how just go with it.}

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