I just sat down and sighed. But Felix noticed something flash onto Bret's face, sorrow and guilt, like she was lying about everything. He chose not to bring it up right now, he didn't want to cause a scene and Bret looked exhausted.

Bret sat down beside me and put her head down, a few moments later I heard her start snoring.

"Guess little miss fell back asleep?" Vickie snarked.

We all laughed as silently as we could.


Bret's head shot up and she yawned, so big she almost fell backwards off her chair.

"See you later Bret." We all said in unison.

"Yep, see you." She mumbled while stretching her sleep away.

Jake ran up to me as I was walking down the hall.

"Didn't Bret seem a little spaced out?"

"Ya, but she did say she was tired and she fell asleep too."

"I guess you're right." He shrugged, pulling at his backpack straps before heading to his class.

Sitting in class was so agonizing. I wanted to see Bret. I needed to know if she was feeling better. As much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to care about her.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity the bell rang. I was the first one out of the classroom. I ran to my next class and saw Bret was already there. She smiled at me and I felt my heart flutter. I quickly went and sat down beside her, trying to ignore the feeling in my chest. 

We talked a little, I asked her again why she was late or if anything was wrong, but she gave the same answer. I saw a flash of something in her eyes, but it went away so quickly I wasn't able to decipher it.

About half way through class, Bret was starting to doze off again so I took the opportunity to look at her, not in a creepy stalker way. When I saw something along her hair line down to her ear.

It looked like...blood. I then saw something on the sleeve of her jacket, it look the same as her head. I quickly looked back at her head, and I guess she noticed because she glanced at me.

I had a shocked look on my face and she slammed her hand onto her head, her eyes widening. She practically jumped out of her seat and left the room. I followed as quickly as I could, and luckily the teacher didn't seem to care.

I saw Bret go into the bathroom. I followed behind and saw her splashing water on her head and the water turning a bright red.

"Bret?" I asked, worried.

"Yes?" She asked, like she didn't want me to ask.

"Can you please take your jacket off?"

She looked at me, I realized she didn't want to if the blaze in her eyes told me anything.

"Please?" I coaxed, trying to sound as calm as possible.

She finally obliged with a sigh, mostly because she saw how worried I was. When she took her jacket off I saw her arms covered in blood and her shirt speckled in blood.

"BRET?!" I yelped, taking a step towards her.

She turned the water on and started to scrub all the blood off. I could smell it and it didn't smell good like the blood I drink, or human, it smelled bad. Like gunk up your lungs bad. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was from. She got the blood washed off, and I couldn't see any scratches on her.

"See, it wasn't my blood." She explained, pulling her jacket back on.

When she said that, I stiffened. "Then who's was it?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

She looked at me with soft, sorrowful eye and walked past me. I just stood there for a second, to stunned to move or think.

Finally, I walked back to class. Me and Bret didn't talk the rest of the time.

We left and Bret looked at me with a smile that seemed more like a "sorry" then her normal dorky one. I smiled back a "its ok" smile, rather than my usual blushy one.

I walked outside and saw my siblings, of course, they immediately knew something was wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jake asked, in a soft tone rather than his regular loud one.

"Nothing." I deadpanned, hoping they would drop it.

Felix looked at me, and I saw his eyes go wide.

"Please, don't tell anyone." I begged mentally.

He nodded in understanding and didn't. We walked home and I went upstairs and started on the homework.

"What the hell was that?" I asked before kicking it out of my brain, I really didn't want to think about it right now.

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