Alpha I'm your little mate? (2)

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Hey new part! I know No one really likes my storys but I like them.. so if your reading enjoy


Shane's POV

I went to bed kinda late last night, because I kept hearing howls, for some strange reason my wolf begged me to get up run to it. I had to argue with her. I mean it could be the alpha.. Or it could be so evil rogues or something like that. I kept telling her it was safer her, but she just begged and begged until I finally went outside to the woods and shifted. I let her take over and run towards the howling. We spent about three hours trying to find it when it suddenly disspeared. I was about to kill my wolf. I mean We spent three freaken hours.. I took control and changed to human form. It was still dark as I slowly made my way back. By the time I got back to my appartment it was 6AM. I climbed into bed and just passed out.


"I love you Shane. You know that right?" A smooth voice asked. I nodded and pressed my lips to the stranger.

"I love you to. Mark me! I want to be you'rs L.. "

"Bang! Bang!" I head, I groaned and sat up. I looked at the clocked and gasped it was 4:23P.M. some one was still banging on my door. I got up and answered it. It was Mr. Alex

"Hello Shane. I haven't seen you today and I got quited worried." He said smiling kindly at me.

"Sorry Mr. Alex, I got home very late and went to sleep." I said and smiled at that sweet old man. He nodded and headed back to his room. Time to get ready, I sighed. What was I going to wear. I smelled myself and noticed I smelled bad, ok taking a shower first. I got in, did a good quick rince and got out. I tried my hair put loshen on my hand body and ended up wearing a black tank top with my white swim suit showing  and some short shorts. I put on my wedges and looked at the time.  5:59 PM. I had about 20 minutes to paint my nails and fix my make up! yay. I got to work. I ended up putting on light blue eye shadow with black eye liner and mascaro. I put on some pink lipstick and looked my self over. I looked hot. My blond hair looked silky, my tan skin shined, my lips looked kissable, my eyes where a pretty normal blue. Yep this was as good as it was going to be, which I didn't mind. I was perfect. I looked at the clock still had 5 minutes. I grabed my pink nail polish adn painted them quickly. I started to wave my hands in the air willing them to dry faster. Once they where dry I looked at the clock. 6:32PM. Well crap! I'm late. I grabed my phone and ran down stairs. I looked twice across the street and crossed it. Soon I wa there, I sighed and pushed my nevers down. I opened the door and that is when I smelled it. It smelled like frash cooked bread, coffee, sweet cinninne rolls.I almost moaned. I looked around until I found him. He was huge! Most likely a werewolf, no wait the way he's sitting.. He's the alpha?

 Liem (POV)

Fucking rogues! They where everywhere. Yesterday one of my men came to me and told me a rogue has been living here for the last three months. I didn't even know. That bastered better be good or I will rip his thoat out. I mean I have had it with the rogues! I was suposed to meet him at Mark's Dinner. I don't even know why Mark didn't inform me of this rogue but I guess I'll deal with him later. The door opened but I just kept glaring at  Mark. He looked scared. Good. I heard foot steps, but they sounded like heels so I didn't even bother to look up and waste my time. I heard the chair across from me move. That's when I looked up and stared. How dare this female sit next to me while I am so pissed.She looked up and smiled.

"Hi I'm Shane." She said and my wolf started to go crazy. MIne it howled. I stared at the girl amazed. She was my mate. I looked into her eyes to go ahead and form the bond, but noting happen? Wait this must be wrong!  She kept smiling I growled low in my throat and she looked scared.

"Look I'm so sorry I came here, but I had no idea another pack lived here. I swear I mean no harm. Please let me stay?" She asked sweetly at the end. I stared at her, loving her small smooth sexy voice when it hit me. SHE'S THE ROGUE!

Alpha I'm your little mate?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя