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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled as Isabel stood in front of me. She had her arms crossed, attitude all over her face. "What the fuck was I supposed to say Jose? No? That shit would have looked sketch as fuck."

"So you invite her over? Show her where the fuck you stay?"

"Jose you're overreacting, like she's not even like that, she's not thinking like that. She don't want shit to do with all this shit going on."

I thought about how she ironically got a flat in this neighborhood, then she shows up at Isabel's house, they could be on the same shit we were on and that shit didn't sit right with me. "How you know she not doing the same shit you doing?"

She rolled her eyes, "she tells me too much for that to be the case Jose."

"What's going on?" Roberto asked as he walked up to the table we were at outside.

I pointed at Isabel, "dummy right here had this black girl at her house today."

"Her name is Johanna" she corrected with attitude.

"No bueno," Roberto said as he scoffed down the granola bar he had in his hand.

Isabel rolled her eyes, "wait, is that your connect to what they're doing?" Roberto asked.

She nodded her head, "in a way."

"Clearly that shit isn't working" I chimed in.

"You need to be fucking with one of the dudes Izzy. You need to hear what those niggas talking bout. I doubt she dishing out what they dishing out. Unless she dealing with one of them. Is she?"

She shook her head, "nahh, I don't think so. She hasn't really talked about any dudes."

"Then why the fuck you ain't fucking with the dudes?" Roberto asked as he took a seat.

"Same reason y'all ain't fucking with no black girls."

"We never do," Roberto blurted causing both of us to laugh. I dapped him up for the accuracy. "But," he continued, "they men love them some Latinas. What the fuck is you waiting on?"

She rolled her eyes, "they don't trust me. Think shit shady, which is accurate as fuck when you think about it."

"Move smarter," I stated as Roberto nodded his head. "I'm not about to come off thirsty." She easily shot back. I looked at her like she was stupid, "you shouldn't, that's the opposite of moving smarter. Looking like you want it too much makes is suspect. How you approaching them?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I mean, I flirt."

"Clearly not enough," Roberto added, "you cute as hell Izzy, a dude gon' want you. You ain't really trying. Pick a guy then reel him in."

She bit her lip like she was thinking, "okay, I'll try a little harder. Anyways," she began as she changed the subject. "I invited Johanna to my party next week, so expect to see her."

"Un-invite her" I voiced with no hesitation.

"Johanna the black girl you had over here?" Roberto asked. She nodded her head. "What she look like?" He asked as he licked his lips.

I rolled my eyes, completely not with the shits. Isabel smiled, "brown skin, short, pretty as hell. I really fuck with her, beyond this ears open shit."

"Shitttt," Roberto said with a smile, "let her come, she might be some help." He justified as he looked at me.

"I doubt it," I voiced as I checked my messages.

"It's my party anyways," Isabel started, emphasizing the word my "I can have whoever I want there. I'm just letting you know she'll be with me."

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