>//Karma x Kuudere Reader~Too Quiet + Christmas Special//<**

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This was requested by the lovely trashysushiroll. Welcome to the fam!! *awkward laugh* Also, I know you didn't request a Christmas Special, but this just something extra that I decided to do, since you've been supporting me for a while. Not only that, but you requested this a while back, so think of this as apology for it being so late. So, I'll see you guys in the Extras!!

December 25. Karma's Birthday. Both of you being college students, couldn't really hang out that much. Even though you and Karma live in the same apartment complex, you two couldn't hang out that much. I also need to consider your part time job working as a barista (sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind. BUT. Always remember, SUGA WITH A CUP OF TAE. Ok back to the story!!) you guys really couldn't hang out that much. Although, winter break was a lovely thing to all and that is what you are currently on!! I mean, who would go to school on Christmas?? Am I right? Plus, you got Rio to cover your shift, so you have the whole day off. And guess what you were doing??


You were on the couch, snuggling with Karma as you were playing a game. Being smaller than him has its perks, you can easily, that being that hugging, snuggling, cuddling, and etc. has very easy for the two off you. But, being mistaken for a 6th grader isn't so nice. Sure, you were one of the shortest in Class E, along with Kayano and Nagisa, but at least you don't get mistaken for a boy!! *cough* *cough* Nagisa's be trapin people *cough* Your (h/l), (h/c) hair, bright (e/c) eyes, and the rest of your girlish features could easily be seen. Also, the fact that you have a chest, (unlike a certain green headed girl) is also obvious to the fact in you being a girl.

As I was saying before, you were snuggling with Karma. The fireplace lit, a comforter around you both, hot chocolate on the table, and I mustn't forget your tiny Christmas tree, in the corner of your apartment room. This is a very relaxing Christmas and guess who's idea was it? Well, it was yours. This is your Christmas present to Karma, snuggling and cuddling for 6+ hours. What could be better??

Everything was going fine until you ran out of hot chocolate. Pausing your game, you grabbed your (f/c) mug for the coffee table, Karma moved slightly as you chugged down the last few drops.

"More," you stated, looking up to the red head with a pleading look. He grinned a bit before placing his fingers in his chin, pretending to stroke a beard that was non existent.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. (Y/n) needs to tell me that she loves me first," Karma said. Sighing, you did as told. But he replied with, "she needs to tell me that she'll love me forever, and be with me till the end!"

Blushing, you murmured his words,"I'll love you forever and be with you till the end."

"What was that?? You are just too quiet."

You repeated again. Seeing that he had a satisfied look on his face. Attempting to avoid his gaze, you focused your eyes on your phone and immediately got back to playing. With a pout on his face, Karma began to poke you, on your head, on your cheek, your shoulder, etc. He continued until you had enough of it and abruptly stood up from the creme colored couch. Your gaze off the phone and now on the red head.

"What's wrong?" His sinister voice asked.

"You know," You replied. And if he stated he didn't, then boy were going to slam his head in the table. You had enough money to buy a new one, for sure you do.

"Know what?" He continued. Now, you were pissed, did he not learn from the 5 years you two were dating, to not piss you off? Well, seems like he might not survive his birthday.

As you were about to dive in to hit him, you just lay on him. The hood of your panda onesie off and your messy (h/c) sticking out. "I'm tired," You lazily said. You could feel Karma shift from underneath you, trying to escape. "No! Don't move..." you quietly yelled.

"What was that?" The sadistic idiot asked.

"Don't move," You repeated.

"I'm sorry, what?? You are just too quiet." And with this, you decided to give up. Laying there, atop him, you were, soft snores coming out from your mouth, as he dimmed your lights and put out the fireplace. All that remained lit was the white beads of light, coming from the Christmas tree. Occasionally, Karma would stroke your head, but he too fell asleep.

Eri: Well I hope you enjoyed this Christmas special!!!! It totally didn't take me "that" long just to make sure I didn't mess things up and I "totally" didn't have to redo the story twice. Anyways, continue guys!!

Maehara: Alternative ending 1, "And there Karma lay, really needing to use the bathroom. Yet being the "good" boyfriend he was, he stayed there, he was not going to ruin (Y/n) peaceful sleep. So he contin—" OOMPH

Karma: Well, well, what were you going to say?! Ehhh~~???

Kayano: Wait a minute, did Eri-Chan make fun of my flat chest??!!?? -.-

Isogai: Calm down guys, it's Christmas and you wouldn't want Eri-San to be mad!!

Maehara, Kayano, Nagisa: Ikeman.....

Eri: Jeez!! When I said "take it away", I meant for you guys to sing them a song, be happy about Christmas, wish Karma a happy birthday or more! Come on!!! You guys are better!! Now then, let's try again.

Isogai + Kayano: Happy Holidays!!!

Maehara: Merry Christmas!!

Nagisa: Happy Birthday Karma-kun!!!

Eri: Hope you enjoyed the Christmas Special oneshot!! The original schedule will resume in January.

Coming up~

>//Neko Nagisa x Kistune Reader~ A Tale From Long Ago//<**

>//Asano x Reader x Karma~Double Trouble//<**

>//M.I.N.K. x Reader~ Valentine's Day Special//<**

Ori. publish: 12/22/2017

Edit: 12/23/2017

{Assassination Classroom x Reader} [Request Opened]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora