>//Nagisa x "Punny" Reader~'Just Stop the Puns Already!'//<**

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Hello readers! This is Eri and this oneshot was requested by, then again, _cake_is_love_!! If you like Karma, then go check out her story!! Big thank you to Cutie_pie_Lisa and pinkblaze10 for the help with puns and also to my cousin, wait, he didn't help. Anyways, see you in the 'Extras'!!!

You walked into the classroom and was greeted by Kayano and Rio, "Morning (Y/n)-Chan!"

"Morning!" You replied back. You were about to go to your seat, but saw blue pigtails come into the room. Quickly, you ran over to him, tackling him in a hug. He looked shocked, but hugged back.

"Morning (Y/n)," Nagisa said.

"Morning, blueberry~," you purred into his ear. "Isn't this such a puurrfect, morning? The lovely sun out and a bright radiance coming from that smile of yours!" All Nagisa could do was blush, Rio and Kayano sweat dropping as you said that.

"As cheesy as ever, (F/n)," Maehara stated. Hearing this, you immediately got up, helping Nagisa up as well, and grabbed Maehara by the ear.

"Oh just shut up, you no good pervert! You're just jealous claws you can't get a girlfriend!!" You retorted back.

"Well, at least I'm not like you who has to go around making terrible puns like, 'such a puurrfect and eggcellent lunch!!' or 'I've got a strange feline', oh, and I can't forgot about this one! 'Nagisa," knowing what he was going to say already, you just stared at him. Other's who entered the classroom, were confused, like usually. You may not believe this, but Maehara and you are the best of friends. Sure, you joke around a lot, but you still got along well. "'I've loved you all of—!!!'" He yells, trying to finish the frequently used phrase but gets cut off by another.

"Ahhh!!! I can't take it anymore!!! Please, just stop the puns, already!!!!!" Nagisa yells, shocking the both of you, and may I mention the other people who decided it would have been a good idea to come to school early. This also caused, Karma, who was sleeping, to be woken up. Confused at what was going on, he went and asked Nakumura.

"Hey, what's going on?" Karma yawned, in a hushed tone. The room had fell silent after what Nagisa said.

"The usual," Nakumura replied.

"I see, so another fight?" The red head asked.

"I think that's an obvious answer," Rio sighed.

"Ok," you said in a monotonous tone, advertise your gaze to the ground. Goosebumps could be felt by some of the girls who where there. The boys, on the other hand, just stared, but everyone was eagerly waiting for what you would say next. "I understand, I'll stop." You turned to the little blueberry, who was worried about what he said.

*Time Skip-2 Weeks later*

Two weeks had passed since the little incident, the classroom was still lively as ever, with the failed assassination attempts, Bitch-Sensei's strange teaching skills, and some other mishaps along the way, but everything was still good. That is, besides the funny remarks coming out of your mouth, instead you just stared and observed everyone. Plus you actually, tried studying for once. What you did notice, was Nagisa glancing at you from time to time. You would usually smile when he did this, but you kept a poker face. After class that day, Nagisa came up to you.

"Can I talk to you, M-Muffin?" He asked. Muffin was your old nickname he used to call you. He hadn't called you it since you started dating him. He should use it more often, honestly. It was simple, he was the blueberries to the muffin, or the other way around. Wait, no, it doesn't really make sense, I need to explain things better... Basically, you guys were a pair, he had the blueberries, you had the un-baked muffin and tighter you guys made blue berry muffins!! I think this part is an excuse to trick my stomach....sorry.

"Sure, Nagi," you answered. He was happy you didn't call him by his last name, he also blushed when you said his name. "Please wait until I am done though."

"Ok!" He excitedly said. After 2-3 minutes, you were ready. Seeing that Nagisa was staring at you in a daze, you tried calling his name.

"Nagisa? Nagisa~ Hey! Nagi! Nagi!!" each time he didn't respond, you had to think of a different way to get his attention. "Blueberry, I'm sorry," You heard him say a huh, after you said that. Quickly, you shushed him with a kiss, he was shocked, but he kissed back pretty quick. Once you parted from each other, you were put into a warm embrace.

"My old (F/n) is back," he said.

"Yup! Did ya miss me, blueberry?" you asked, not letting him go. By the time that happened, you felt a warm substance on your shoulder. "Uhh!! Blueberry?!?? Hey! Why are you crying???!?" You panicked and frantically looked around trying to find a solution.

"I'm sorry," Nagisa said, sniffling a bit. You smiled and handed him some tissues, from your bag.

"Hey Blueberry," You say while walking down the mountain, hand in hand.

"Yes?" The curious boy asked.

"We were born to make hissstory!!" You yelled. Oh yeah, I have to live with this, I still love her though! <Nagisa's thoughts.

Karma: Ha!! You owe me $20 now Maehara!

Maehara: Damn it!! Why'd I make this stupid bet in the first place! I should trust (F/n) more...

Nagisa: Wait, you were betting on us??!!?!?

Karma: Yup! *pops the 'p'*

Reader-Chan: For what exactly?

Eri: Allow me! They were betting on who would kiss the other first. Being that Karma voted for (F/n)-Chan, he won!^^

Nagisa: Why does the author seem so happy about that...

Eri: hehhe. Not sure why I was thinking of History Maker, Yaoi— I mean Yuri on Ice op, while I was typing the last pun. Anyways, that was it for this one, sorry if it's rushed, I mean this idea came to me around 2 maybe. It almost 4 in the morning, I should really sleep now...hope you all enjoyed!~❤️

Coming up next!

>//Flirtatious Maehara x Jealous Reader~'It's Not What You Think!!'//<

>//Teacher Karma x Student Reader~I've Already Fallen for You//<**

{Assassination Classroom x Reader} [Request Opened]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora