>//Isogai x Reader~Halloween Special Pt.3//<

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Part 3!!!!! Almost there guys!!! Just two more weeks until the final party!!!! Okay, i got to make sure I do this now. See you all in the 'Extras'!!!!

"(L/n)-San, can I ask you something???" You looked up at the brown haired boy, his yellow orbs shining brightly with the sunset.

"Sure, Isogai!!" You said smiling brightly at him. You received a smile back, but could feel three other pairs of eyes staring back at you, well more specifically the ikeman.

"Can I take you out to dinner??" He asked.

"Sure! My parents will be back home late so I won't get into trouble," you replied.

"Well, let's go to (Insert favorite restaurant-not fast food)!" He exclaimed, grabbing your hand and leading you to the restaurant.


Once you arrived, you were seated at a booth near the large windows. The bright lighting surrounding you, as you could hear the chitchat from other families and friends. Looking around, you noticed the subtle Halloween decorations and the fall specials as well. You looked down at your phone, checking your twitter and all the strange post.

"Hello there! My name is Mia, I will be your server," she turned and smiled brightly at Isogai, but when she turned to me, she stared at me with disgust. "Do you know what you would like to order?" She turned back to Isogai.

"Uhhmmm, I'll have—"

"Yes, we would like a new waiter," You said sternly. Isogai looked up at you, until he looked at his phone and saw a message from you. It read: play along. He smiled and nodded.

"What was that honey?" Mia asked, hatred and disgust laced her tone.

"She said that we'd like a new waiter," Isogai spoke up. This time, he had a different look in his eyes. Was it bloodlust?? Maybe. You just couldn't tell.

"Pshh, and why would you want a new one, when you can have me," Mia said, leaning into Isogai. He looked at you with pleading eyes, that screamed help.

"Please stop touching my lover," You said, standing up. Okay, this caught some attention from other tables who told other staff as well. Then for the rest off the night, Mia didn't bother you guys again. And if she did, then she would get a good kicking from her manager.

"Here you guys go!" The waiter said to us, while he placed down our orders. Something was off though, he also placed shakes down. He also looked very familiar to a certain someone.

As if having the same thoughts as you, Isogai went in and said, "We didn't order these."

"It's in the House, sorry about Mia, now please enjoy!" He smiled brightly at us.

"Thank you!" You exclaimed before he walked off. You took another hard stare at him again, racking your brain to see whether or not you could identify this man. After a few minutes of mumble and struggling, you decided to just eat your food.

"Mmm, it taste so good!" You said. Isogai leaned over, napkin in hand, and wiped of some of the grease/ketchup that was on your cheek. "Thranck chu!!" You said, attempting to say 'thank you', but the food in your mouth didn't allow you too.

"Cute," Isogai mumbled as he continued to stare at you.

"What was that?" You asked, you were too focused on eating that you didn't know what he said. You looked at his plate compared to yours, it didn't look like he was eating much. You walked over to the other side of the booth and sat down. Isogai moved a bit to make room for you.

"(L/n)-San, what are you do—?" He stopped and stared at the spoon in front of him.

"Come on say, 'ahhh'," You said, trying to feed him like a baby. Not wanting you to get upset, he parted his lips and took a bite. You smiled happily as you put your spoon down. You lay your head on his shoulder, feeling him tense up for slight second, before being calm. You guys just sat there in silence, well not exactly since there were still families there.

DING~ The door was pushed open and an elderly couple walked in, their silver rings glistening a tiny bit, in the bright light. The husband heading straight to the hostess, talking to her about their seats. The wife's eyes wandering, table to table, until she stopped at yours. Parting her lips, she spoke,"What a lovely couple. Remember when we were like that Lucas??" A grunt was heard from the man as the hostess lead them to their seats.

Your POV
"What a lovely couple." "What a lovely couple."

What that elderly woman said still was on my mind. I was in deep thought, but felt something move. I turned my attention away from my thoughts, and looked at Isogai, he was blushing. But why??

"(L-l/N)-San," he stuttered.

"Cute" I mumbled. Hopefully he didn't hear me.

"I-I-I like you. Please go out with me," he said. I suddenly stared at him. I looked around and made eye contact with this orange haired girl. Well, her hair was more like a flame color, orange near her roots and blonde going to her tips. It seems like she noticed and she smiled at me. Her friends also noticed and suddenly stared at me. A girl with brownish red hair waved, but this other girl with navy blue hair scolded her. Well it looked like it. "(L/n)-San."

I turned my attention back to Isogai. "I-I'm sorry. I hope you can wait for my answer!" I said and quickly left. I took one look back before I headed out the door. I saw Isogai, and a smile on his face. He looks relieved.


Eri: (Y/n) was on her bed. She stayed up late doing homework and was now browsing through her phone. She was probably looking up the most recent episode of (Favorite anime). Then lightning struck and realization did as well. "AHHHH!!!!! I FORGOT TO BUY A COSTUME!!!!!" The power then turned back on.

Maehara: And that was the end of (Y/n)-Chan!!!~~

Eri: *smacks Maehara* If you do that, you'll scare away our readers!!!

Karma: What readers??

Eri: I. Hate. You.

Nagisa: She means the 1.24K readers of course.

Karma: Ehhhh~ didn't know you could actually do that.

Eri: Of course I can!!!

Maehara: So, how does it feel to confess??

Isogai: I'm happy and nervous. I hope she doesn't reject me!!! *goes on about things* Well I think I'll be fine even if she doesn't accept me.

Nagisa, Eri, Maehara: *sweatdrops* Such an Ikeman.

Nagisa: Well hope you enjoyed!! We'll see you all next week, and...

Eri, Isogai, Nagisa, Maehara, Karma: Thank you for 1.24K views!!!!!

Coming up

>//Blueberry x Reader~Halloween Special Pt.4//<
You probably know already.

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