-Rules, regulations&interviews [Chapter 64]

Start from the beginning

“Awh, I miss her you know. We should all have one final get together before she buggers off to Oxford and becomes some famous scientist or whatever.”

“And you bugger off and marry Niall.”

She laughed.

“Shut up that’s not funny.”

I scolded but still smiling as I hit her arm playfully.

“I’m not trying to be. I need to meet this guy, okay? So you better introduce me to him some when.”

I raised my eye-brows concluding that I could fit no more in my suitcase I patted down the bag which contained my jewellery and some of my make-up and placed myself on top of my suitcase trying to close it down further so I could zip it up, but it was failing.

“Sit on here with me would you?”

I asked shuffling over so she could sit on top of my luggage next to me adding weight.

“Why?” She giggled. “If you’re not heavy enough how do you normally shut it?”

Knowing this would result in some remark I told the honest answer anyway.

“Niall normally does it for me.”


She cooed as I zipped up the suitcase which I just replied to with an eye-roll.

“Ashley are you almost ready? You really need to get a move on!”

My Dad hollered up the stairs. Motioning for Mallory to help me with the rest of my bags because as I shamefully failed to mention, Niall normally helps me with them. I must be more independent. But that’s extremely difficult when Niall insists on doing everything for me.

“I’m coming!”

I called back as I dragged my suitcase and various other bags along the hallway and down the stairs where my father was impatiently waiting by the door twirling his keys around his fingers.

“Oh hello Mallory, haven’t seen you in a while! How’s old Matthew hanging up?”

Cringing at my father’s question I shot Mallory an apologetic look but she didn’t seem too bothered, like I mentioned before. It was blatant they never truly loved each other.

“Hello, oh we don’t really speak that much anymore.”

“Ah, I see.”

He nodded understanding as he picked up my bags for me and I dragged my suitcase down the drive.

I exchanged my goodbyes with my Mum, Ellie and Mallory and my Dad was taking me to the airport so I would say goodbye to him then.

“So,” He began as he drummed his fingers against the hot leather of the steering wheel. “I presume you know your way there, yes?”

Fumbling my phone in my fingers as it almost slipped from my grip I raised my eye-brows at him.

“No, they’re meeting me at the airport, don’t worry they know what gate I’m at and everything”

“Niall’s meeting you as well I presume?”

“Yes, he is include in ‘them’ Dad.”

“I know, I know,” He said holding his hands up in a calming fashion.  “I’m just checking.”

I said nothing back to this taking my phone from my pocket and reading the latest text from Niall.

I hope you’ve brought your swimwear; it’s boiling over here;)xxx

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