Chapter 48: Confession*

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"Serena! What are you saying?! Please tell me this isn't true!" She started crying

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to be a disappointment to you or anybody. I tried so hard to be someone I'm not... I just... I... I think you're the most amazing person I know and you are everything I wanted to be..." she looked at me with teary eyes "I'm sorry I lied to you all this time, lied to you about being so confident, and happy. Even though I respect my friends and everyone who look up to me, it's me who is never honest even to my own self"

"I can't believe you felt this way this whole time. You thought so little of yourself even though you're such an amazing person. You look like you don't even struggle at all" she smiled

"I'm a pretty good actress, huh?" She giggled, wiping her tears away "and when all this started before I became Kalos queen, this was before we even came here to Kalos" she looked down again "about mom and dad... their divorce. I always thought that he was lying to us about working and everything. Mom stopped trusting him. So I stopped trusting him too... the only thing was, he was my dad and I still love him, but because mom hated him. I thought I had to feel the same. I thought I had to hate him too, but you... you didn't hate him. I thought mom had a good reason to hate him, so I took her side, but when you took his side... I was very confused. I always looked up to you, even if you at the time never talked at all, you were always so confident, brave, and you didn't care about what people told you. When people say mean things to me, I start crying, but you wouldn't care if someone says something bad to you. You didn't care what mom thought. You trusted your own instincts and trusted dad. I wondered this for a very long time, and yet I still want to know how he's doing. I... I didn't have to confidence to ever ask you through video chat. I want to know how you two were doing back home. I wonder to myself if mom and I really made the right choice of leaving. I always have so many thoughts in my head that I don't even know what to do with them. My therapist told me the best way to get rid of my thoughts is by doing something I loved or write things down. Even if I did what I loved, it wasn't enough. I couldn't bare to write any of this down. I feel like it'll hurt me more if I put into detail about what I thought about my life choices"

"This started with the divorce..?" I held my stone " always seem so happy. I always thought nothing could bring you down and I'm almost, I am afraid to tell you the truth, especially about me and what I've been hiding from you and mom, and even why I never left Sinnoh in the first place"

"What is it..? You can tell me" she gripped on my hands "whatever it is... how ever I'll feel about you will never change" my heart dropped. Hot tears started pouring in without stopping. I sobbed loudly, not understanding what this pain in my chest was...

"I'm so sorry Serena. I'm so sorry I've lied to you this whole time. I've lied to you for years! I never had the guts to tell you. I didn't even think you cared this much! I'm so sorry..."

"Sophia-chan! What's wrong!?" She took my cheeks "you're crying... I never seen you cry. A-At least not like this" I took her hands

"I never had the ability to... I never had the need to feel anything... I never known what it was like to have actual emotions. This crying thing... it's new to me. My heart hurts so much. I'm afraid to tell you this, but you deserve the truth. I've been lying to you all these years about dad, about where I lived, and why I stayed in Sinnoh without visiting..." she listened "since I was very young when we were still going to school, I'd always sneak out and go to dad's workplace"

"Huh? No wonder I'm always alone in nap time..." I wiped my eyes, unable to stop the tears. My heart felt like it wanted to burst from all the secrets I've held within me. I felt like I couldn't breath... for so long, I didn't think my heart would overspill

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt