Maybe it is true, that people care when it's too late

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„I try not to laugh at my own jokes but we all know I'm hilarious!"

Y/n smiled and giggled slightly.
Joker cracked his infamous laugh.
His business partners went silent.

„You know Mister J. It's not funny, our brother is in prison now, because he had to get you this damn USB stick from the government!"

J shrugged off but still had his smile on his face. Just like y/n. She was sitting on her favorite seat, her daddy's lap.

„Aww poor boy. He should've been more careful. Not my problem."

The partners had a relaxed look.

„The deals over J. We're sick of this Bullshit game you're playing."

Js blood started boiling. Y/n could sense that something bad will happen, but she decided to enjoy her front row seat. She felt how Js muscles tensed. He was the verge of losing it.

„You don't deserve this king life. You're nothing! Do everybody the favor and fuck off in hell already."

Y/ns mouth hing slightly open.
Nobody dared to speak to Joker with such attitude and tone.

„Stop disrespecting my angel!"

Y/n got up from Joker lap and stood in front of the business partners.
They turned their heads from side to side, just to be meet with the same reaction, they found it to funny and couldn't help and smiled in amusement.

„What a funny move from the clowns bitch!"

They laughed and J lost his last straw.

„Fuck off if you don't plan to suck me off!"

With that, one of them kicked her in her tummy and y/n fell to the ground.
She hold on her tummy so tight and gasped for air. Joker couldn't believe what he was seeing.
He immediately pulled out his gun and shot them in their legs.

„Frost! Carry this shit away, I want it in my play room!"

He got on his knees and his heart sank when he saw his little baby crying.

„Oh no, don't cry baby... show me where it hurts, so daddy can hurt them more!"

She grabbed his hand and placed it on her little tummy.

„Awww it will be ok, doll."

He slowly rubbed her tummy in a comforting way and gently help her up.

„Thanks Daddy..."
„No problem, love."

They walked to the Lamborghini and drove off.
When they reached the penthouse, he helped his girl getting out of the car. She smiled when he extended his hand out for her.
Hand in hand they walked to the door and were greeted with a henchman.
He pointed his machine gun at the psycho couple and Js eyes widened when he started to shoot at them. He thrown himself and y/n on the cold and hard ground and y/n screamed out in pure fear. Joker protected his girl and tried to shoot the idiot down, but failed.
Just like the henchman failed to kill them.
Frost heard gun shoots and saw the scene.
He quickly killed him and went to his boss to check if he and y/n were ok.

„Boss! You ok?!"

J got on his feet and help y/n up.
The second the was on her feet, she hold on him so tightly, clearly scared from the situation earlier.

„Yeah it's fine... FUCK!"

Y/n flinched by his sudden outburst.
And clenched her tiny wrists even more on his jacket.

„Find out what the problem of this rat was!"

Frost nodded and the couple continued their walk inside the mansion.
Y/n was still shaking badly, after this near dead experience.

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