Pain is real, but so is hope

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„This is ridiculous! I want answers and not this shit we don't know excuse!"

Joker growled at his henchman, after they failed a heist.

„One time, only one fucking time, I'm staying home, trusting you bitches to make something right and what do I get? Right, nothing but a big failure of my perfect plan!"

The henchman kept their glares at the ground. Clearly ashamed that they failed his boss.
And of course out of fear, cause Joker won't let this mistake pass so easily.

„Hmm... What kind of punishment will make my point clearer?"

The henchman gulped and some already had tears in their eyes.

„Anyone has a special...death wish?"

Joker looked around and licked his silver teeth. He loved the control he had over these rats.
But can't these damn rats make something right for one time in their lives?!

„Boss we are very sorry that we failed your Plan, it won't happen again..."
„Of course it won't happen again, and if it would... then y'all are fucking dead!"

He screamed at the top of his lugs.
Suddenly the door opens.


A little girl stood by the doorway, rubbing her eyes, clearly not amused by the fact that Jokers yelling interrupted her good night sleep.


Joker didn't even turned around.
He rolled his eyes and gritted his silver teeth.

„What is it?"

He stood up from his chair and turned around to face his girlfriend.
She stood there in her purple nightgown and fluffy socks.

„Can you be a bit quieter, please?"

His eyes got shades darker.
First of all he hated to see her in his office and second, why'd she interrupt him in his important work, yelling and teaching his henchmen a lesson.

„Quieter? I can show you something quiet!"

His voice raised and y/n started to regret, coming downstairs in his office.
J turned to one of his henchmen and grabbed him by his tie.
His other hand reached for his holster, where his purple gun was waiting for its next victim.

„What's your last wish?"

The man was shaking like a leaf, but thanked his boss for his offer.

„I-Im fine boss, thank you... I just want... want a quick death..."

J smiled at the poor man and looked
over at y/n.

„Prepare your ears for a scream and a gunshot, honey!"

Y/n eyes widened and there it was, this loud gunshot and the last sound of a human soul. An ear piercing scream of agony and pain.
She closed her eyes tightly and a single tear made its way down her cheek.
This man lost his life because of her bitchy behavior. If she kept her mouth shut about Js yelling he won't have lost his life.
Stupid, stupid y/n.

The now dead man fell to the ground and was surrounded by his own blood.
Joker looked at his work and was proud.
Then his glaze fell on y/n with her tear stained cheek.

„Awww baby..."

He took some steps towards the girl and gently wiped away the rest of the tear.

„Don't you cry on your daddy, my love."

He pushed her body close to his and hugged her tight that she had struggle to breath.
She hated this.
She knew exactly what he was doing.
Breaking her from inside.
Toying with her and then throwing her away.
He pulled away and a second later, y/n found herself on the floor with her hand holding her now sore cheek.
J slicked his hair back and smiled at y/n who was lying in front of his feet.

„So baby doll... I hope YOU learned your lesson. Now let me continue to teach my man a lesson as well. Ohh and will you be so kind and fuck off my office!?"

Y/n looked at him with teary eyes and was still holding her red cheek. Frost looked at her with sympathy and worry. Just like the other henchman. They knew why she came down.
She wanted to rescue their life's, but she failed and caused Joker to be mad at her and to be even more mad over this whole situation.

She left the office and went to their shared bedroom. Joker went back to his seat and sighed.

„Why must everyone make my life so difficult?!"

He rubbed his temples and took a deep breath.

„Gentleman, your homework for tomorrow is,
I want a perfect heist plan from everyone of you stupid rats. And if someone dare disappointing me... You'll regret it!"

All henchman quickly nodded and left the scene. Jokers palm wandered around his face and he rolled his eyes.
Deep down he knows that y/n didn't deserve his hard actions.
But she disrespected him.
She deserved the slap and his harsh words.
No, his heart told his brain the opposite.
It was a dick move.
She was an angel, in love with the devil.
God, he didn't know what he did to deserve her. Looks like a little apology is needed.
He left his office and walked down the corridor to the bedroom. He opens the door and was greeted with dim light and his doll in bed, her back was turned towards him.
But he could see how she was shaking from all the crying. Poor little girl.
He got on bed and touched her shoulder slightly.


She slapped his hand away and J sighed.


Y/n didn't know where she suddenly had the nerv to yell at him, but here she was facing him with her red and puffy eyes.
Joker thought for a second if he should let her little outburst pass or teach her another lesson. But then he remembered.
Sometimes he is so hard to her and she always has to swallow everything, so he will let her be angry at him and let her anger out.

„I'm sorry for earlier baby."

Her mouth formed into an o-shape

„Wow... Kindness is so gangster!"

He couldn't help but chuckled and looked slightly ashamed onto the sheets.

„You know being a dick won't make
yours any bigger."

This sassy comment angered the clown again.
He didn't allowed her to talk to him with such attitude.

„Careful Y/n."
„No! This is unfair..!"

His expression went serious and he looked her intensely in her eyes.

„Just like the alphabet, bitch. I come before U!"

He yelled directly in her face.
Their argument rolled into more minutes of yelling and arguing. Till it ended with Y/n sitting in his lap and J stroking her hair.
They were both childish and stubborn when it came to apologizing.
But they calmed down and forget about this no sense fight.

„I'm sorry..."
„Im sorry too."

After some more minutes they both fell asleep in each other's arms and they will continue with their daily lifes and forget about this in an heartbeat. Sometimes it's a problem when your voices are yelling so much dumb things in your mind that it hurts persons who are close to you.
But with a little hope and some talking everything is going to be good again.
This is what y/n and Joker are using everytime they're fighting.
But at the end their love towards each other will only grow and is even more bonded.

Please do me a favor and watch the music video from 30 Seconds to Mars :)
Thank you xx

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